Monday, April 29, 2013

Preparing for Baby: Easy Newborn Cloth Diapers

Cloth Diapers

I always see people ask the seasoned cloth veterans what advice would you give a newbie just starting out? I am sure there are things we all would do differently, some things we would do again and products we learned about too late.

I began my cloth journey with a newborn starter kit from Bummies and a stack of Kushies all-in-ones. My husband had reservations, but kindly kept them to himself. I remember lugging my pre-folds up and down the stairs to our communal laundry room as I was prepping the diapers - determined that I could keep it up. The plastic Kushies with scratchy aplix all but did me in. They never fit right and broke down quickly. My son ended up being cloth diapered on and off, mainly when money was tight or he developed a diaper rash on his sensitive skin.

This time around I have a combined 5 years of diapering under my belt and have found some great new products to even help my intimidated husband. Okay, he has been an awesome sport, but in my quest to find the perfect diapering solution I accumulated quite a varied stash. I have to admit that knowing what to do with which diapers can be overwhelming. Fitted, pocked, AIO, hybrid, covers and flats, oh my! So, for his sake I invested in some great Cloth-eez Workhorse Diapers, a simple snap fitted diapers made out of pre folds and some great covers. I found these through Green Mountain Diapers (not an affiliate, nor is this a sponsored post!) and love how easy they are to use.

Fitted Cloth Diaper

Above you can see part of my stash being prepped for it's first use. Elliot won't be here for another 7 weeks, but I don't want to leave all my diapers till the last minute.

Prepping is easy! These diapers come with natural oils in the fiber and won't absorb as well till they are washed and dried a few times. Most diapers suggest 3 times or more for a good wash and then dry. It goes something like this:

  1. Cold Water Wash
  2. Dry
  3. Hot Water Wash
  4. Dry
  5. Hot Water Wash
  6. Dry

I fluffed mine once in the dryer, but on a gorgeous day I can't help but sun them. The more you wash them the softer the fabric becomes and  unbleached fabric will start to lighten in the sun.

These fitted diapers are very cost effective. Newborn size starts at just $5.50 and $9.95 for the rest. They do cost more than a flat diaper and pre folds, but will be easy for my husband to put on and take off without any extra steps, pins or headache. I am really excited to use these for my newborn since they are soft, simple and dry quickly.

I will also be using some pre folds and pocket diapers for later on. I can't wait to share more of my new stash with you and how I am planning to overcome my past cloth diapering problems.

Did you cloth diaper your children? What was or would be your biggest obstacle?


  1. We didn't cloth diaper our girls, but I always love reading about it from other mamas. It really does seem pretty cost effective!

  2. This is one thing I would go back and do differently if I could. There are so many great cloth diapering products available today.

  3. I didn't cloth diaper, but to be honest I didn't know much about it "back then." I sound old, huh?

  4. I didn't cloth diaper but these sure make it look easier and cost effective.

  5. I didn't cloth diaper my first, and then started to when my second was about four months old. We got to almost a year when she had to have an ointment, and I had to use sposies. I kind of gave up after that. If you can stick to it thought, it's very much worth the price difference and MUCH better for the environment.

  6. I gotta hand it to you for going through all that laundering. I'm way too lazy.

  7. I did not cloth diaper but I have friends who did. My biggest obstacle from doing it would have to be that I work full time and I do not think my babysitter would follow through with it.


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