Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friday Food Frenzy (5/31), Countdown to Baby

I am in baby count-down mode here on Adventures in All Things Food. That means meals have been simple and I am freezing away food like a squirrel stashes nuts! From meatballs and sauce to waffles, I am trying to give my husband some easy options for keeping the kids fed. I have just under 2 weeks and think this week I might make some treats to hide in the freezer for late night nursing/snacking cravings. Be on the look-out for some good freezable cookie recipes, granola and more great bread machine bread recipe coming up soon. 

Also, have you thought about what you will be making for Father's Day? Have a favorite recipe or treat to make your Dad or Grad feel extra special? Be sure to link them up and share your delicious recipes.

Share your recipes
Close to Home ,Mostly Food and Crafts and  Adventures in All Things Food. welcome you to FRIDAY FOOD FRENZY where we come share your best recipes and browse others for some great and often easy recipes to try at home.

How many times do you hear "What's for dinner?", surprise them with a cookbook recipe you found on Friday Food Frenzy.  Outside of following the hostesses, we just love for you to link up a tried and true recipe of your choice. Each week we will feature one recipe so be sure to stick around and click on your favorite recipes. The featured recipe will also be pinned on our Friday Food Frenzy Pinterest Board. Be sure to tell your friends we are cooking up a storm this Friday and to join the party.

Thanks again for stopping by and either sharing your recipe or viewing recipes from other talented cooks.  Please visit the three recipes in the linky that are listed as HOST.  We really appreciate your visit.

  Memorial Day friday food frenzy 

This week's Featured Recipe comes from Lori's Culinary Creations. Since BBQ season is officially here I thought her:
8 great BBQ recipes /a> would be a perfect start of summer post to share with everyone.  I could use a sip right now:)  

Thanks for stopping by and sharing those great and easy recipes.  See you next week. 


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