Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Blasphemy Box, by Mandy Behbehani - Book Tour

*Disclaimer - I was provided a digital copy of the book as part of Promotional Book Tours in order to facilitate my review. No other compensation was received. 

The Blasphemy Box

The Blasphemy Box“You know that nightmare you've always had? The one where you wake up one day to find yourself fat, frumpy, fifty and alone? I’m living it.”

Maddy Nelson has an idyllic existence: a handsome husband, great kids, a comfortable, affluent lifestyle. One morning soon after she turns fifty, however, she wakes up in her San Francisco home to find her husband Steven announcing that he’s leaving her for a woman half her age. And a third of her size.


 Feeling totally unmoored and grieving for her married life and husband, Maddy finds herself thrust into an unfamiliar and uncomfortable world of middle-aged singledom. There, she must come to terms with her situation and embark on her new life: divorce proceedings, single parenting, internet dating, and trying to earn a living. It’s enough to drive her over the brink. To help her cope, she shares her struggles in a smart, wry blog named The Blasphemy Box, after her ex-husband’s obnoxious habit of having her drop a quarter into a wooden box every time she said something off color. Her madcap middle-aged adventures find her devoted readers who identify with her challenges.

 In time, Maddy recreates herself and finds happiness in the arms of a good man, and a fulfilling new career as a novelist.

Be sure to come back and see my review of The Blasphemy Box on May 22nd!

Purchase Kindle / Paperback

About Author Mandy Behbehani

Mandy Behbehani grew up in England and now lives in California. She holds a journalism degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia and is a professional journalist whose work has appeared in a variety of publications from the Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Chronicle to W magazine, Town & Country magazine and Travel & Leisure magazine.

Follow Mandy Behbehani: Blog | Facebook | Twitter

 Follow the Tour! The author is offering a signed paperback book, and a Swarovski crystal bracelet that is part of her jewelry line for a tour prize. Fill out the form below to Enter!

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