Monday, May 20, 2013

The Love Wars by L. Alison Heller: Book Review #SRC2013

Disclaimer - I was provided a review copy from the publisher to facilitate my reviews. 
All opinions are my own. This post contains an affiliate link.


Ah, yes. Another stop and another installment from the 2013 BookSparksPR Summer Reading Road Trip. This week, stop number two on the trip, is L. Alison Heller's The Love Wars.

from the back cover:
Breaking up is hard to do. At least the first few times.
Even though Molly Grant has only a handful of relationships behind her, she’s already been through more divorces than she can count.
At the premier Manhattan law firm where she’s a matrimonial attorney, the hours are long, the bosses tyrannical, and the bonuses stratospheric. Her clients are rich, famous, and used to getting their way. Molly’s job—and primary concern in life—is to work as hard as possible to make sure they do. Until she meets the client who changes everything….
Fern Walker is the desperate former wife of a ruthless media mogul. Her powerful ex is slowly pushing her out of her young children’s lives, and she fears losing them forever. Molly—haunted by an incident from her own past—finds herself unable to walk away from Fern and sets out to help her. She just needs to do it without her bosses finding out.
Now, as complications both professional and personal stack up, Molly can only hope that her own wits, heart, and instincts are enough—both in and out of court.

My opinion:

Another great read! I know nothing about divorce law and was fascinated by the characters and crazy culture surrounding such a vulnerable time for people. I love that the author, L. Alison Heller is actually a divorce lawyer and  used her past experiences to composite some memorable characters for both the divorcees and firm coworkers.

Her main character, Molly, was such a down to earth, likable character. It felt like I could have been in her shoes if I found myself in that world of the matrimonial group. A clever, strong and yet self-conscious character whom I wanted to see make if out of the story on top.

The story was both funny and full of surprises. And despite the backdrop of divorce, I was rooting for love to prevail. Don't be surprised if this one doesn't last long in your Summer book bag, you won't want to put it down.

Grab your own copy on Amazon / Barnes & Noble

Be sure to join in on the fun with BookSparksPR Summer Reading on their Facebook page. I will be back next week with my next #SRC2013 read. 


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