Monday, May 13, 2013

The Repeat Year by Andrea Lochen: Book Review #SRC2013

Disclaimer - I was provided review copies from the publishers to facilitate my reviews. 
All opinions are my own. This post contains an affiliate link.

Ready to get reading?

I am so excited to dive right in and tell you all about my first read on the 2013 Summer Reading Road Trip with BookSparksPR.

This first review of the Summer is for The Repeat Year, by Andrea Lochen.

from the back cover:

Everyone has days, weeks, even months they wish they could do over—but what about an entire year? After living through the worst twelve months of her life, intensive care nurse Olive Watson is given a second chance to relive her past and attempt to discover where she went wrong…
After a year of hardships including a messy breakup with her longtime boyfriend Phil, the prospect of her mother’s remarriage, and heartbreaking patient losses at the hospital, Olive is ready to start fresh. But when she wakes up in her ex-boyfriend’s bed on New Year’s Day 2011—a day she has already lived—Olive’s world is turned upside down.
Shouldering a year of memories that no one else can recall, even Olive begins to question herself—until she discovers that she is not alone. Crossing paths with Sherry Witan, an experienced “repeater,” Olive learns that she has the chance to rewrite her future. Given the opportunity of a lifetime, Olive has to decide what she really wants. Should she make different choices, or accept her life as she knows it, flaws and all?

A lovely idea of righting the wrongs of a whole year seems easy enough, but would it be? How would anyone know what to change and what needs to stay the same in order for things to work out in our best interest.

The author, Andrea Lochen, did an amazing job of not only creating in The Repeat Year a base of characters I wanted to root for, but also subtly asking the harder questions. I found myself cheering Olive on and hoping she could fix the mistakes of her past year, while also wanting to shake her for not doing what I hoped. What could be changed? What are the domino effects of each choice we make in our lives? And what is really important?

Everyone loves the idea of getting a second chance and The Repeat Year takes a look at what price it may come at.

This was a great book to start off Summer reading! Not too heavy, but still gave me enough to think about between reading sessions. I can't wait to see what Andrea Lochen will write next. She is a bright and rising author.

Grab your own copy on Amazon / Barnes & Noble

Be sure to join in on the fun with BookSparksPR Summer Reading on their Facebook page. I will be back next week with my next #SRC2013 read.

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