Thursday, July 18, 2013

Elliott's First Month... putting the 'Mom' in Blogging

This month has gone by in a weird time warp unique to mom's with newborns.  My new little guy turned one-month old last week and I wanted to share our little photo shoot with you.

Yes, I have older children, but this addition has been humbling.

I am almost 35 and have realized how much I truly need my uninterrupted sleep! Our daily routine has been turned upside down. Not because he is a difficult baby, but because he is a newborn with constant needs right now. In fact, he is such an easy going little guy. We are truly blessed. Between the cup of coffee and late night lullabies I am trying to soak up every precious moment.

One thing I hadn't anticipated was how little time I would have for blogging those first few weeks. Yes, it has been more sporadic around here. Luckily, I have a secret weapon...

Thank goodness for our Mamaroo! It seems to be his favorite place to snooze in-between feeding sessions and has given me some hands-free time.

Blogging, cooking and crafting are slowly making their way back into my life. I know my kids can't wait for more projects to be involved in.

Ultimately I have to be a Mom first and a blogger second.

But, I am very fortunate that those two things intersect most of the time. Now that my littlest is one-month old I think we are ready to attempt a loose schedule, break away from our 5 favorite meals, and get crafty again.

I am also excited to begin a new series here, back into fitness. I am dubbing it the "Better Than Before Baby" series. Yeah, we all look forward to getting our body back after baby, but I am looking to work on building the best me possible. I want to be better than I was even before having my children. No ideal weight involved. I stand to loose a few sizes, but I also want to be strong, active and push myself farther. I will be getting the okay from my physician next week and will be starting from square one. Looking to start up, too? Join in on the fun.

I look forward to sharing some workout DVD reviews, fitness equipment, and products that help me get my kids outdoors and active along with me. I will be starting back up with the Motivated Monday posts. Never fear. Exercise makes me hungry, so I promise to return to regular recipe posting as well.

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