Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Food Frenzy (7/12) - Summer Recipe Share

I have been back in the kitchen this week. Nothing big, but with our town's Graffiti Weekend  celebration and cruise happening this weekend, I am gearing up for snacks and picnic foods to pack. I can't wait to see what recipes everyone has to share this weekend. I am ready to be inspired and get pinning. So, grab a fork and spoon, let's dig into some great new recipes for the week!

friday food frenzy  summer

Close to Home ,Mostly Food and Crafts and  Adventures in All Things Food. welcome you to FRIDAY FOOD FRENZY where we come share your best recipes and browse others for some great and often easy recipes to try at home.

How many times do you hear "What's for dinner?", surprise them with a cookbook recipe you found on Friday Food Frenzy.  Outside of following the hostesses, we just love for you to link up a tried and true recipe of your choice. Each week we will feature one recipe so be sure to stick around and click on your favorite recipes.

The featured recipe will also be pinned on our Friday Food Frenzy Pinterest Board. Be sure to tell your friends we are cooking up a storm this Friday and to join the party.  Thanks again for stopping by and either sharing your recipe or viewing recipes from other talented cooks.

 Please visit the three recipes in the linky that are listed as HOST.  We really appreciate your visit.

pork stir fry

This week's Featured Recipe comes from Our Eating Habits. Since Peaches are in season I thought this would make a great addition to your summer dinner dishes. I have had peach preserves on my pork before but never thought of fresh peaches. Check out Pork and Peach Stir-Fry on her blog. ;


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