Monday, July 1, 2013

The Fairytale Mother, by Heather Muzik - Book Tour + Giveaway

Disclaimer - I was provided a review copy from the Promotional Book Tours to facilitate my reviews. 
All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.

The Fairytale Mother

Once upon a time two lives intertwined…

A broken heart.

When Andrew Krenshaw’s wife goes missing, terror becomes desperation as he is forced to cope with a world of uncertainty where he has suddenly become a single father, an unfortunate celebrity… a potential murderer.

A hopeful heart.

Melanie Tull has everything she ever wanted in her life… except perhaps love. Her husband is absent and demanding all at once. Her home, a shell of perfection with a cold center. Her life, busy yet vacant.

… Herein lies the tale that binds them.

**Stay tuned for my review and author interview later this week! 

Buy: Kindle / Paperback /B&N (coming August 8th)

About Heather

After a childhood spent living in various northern states--New Jersey for half of that (South Jersey, exit 4, to be exact)--she struck out on her own. First stop, Atlanta, Georgia. After attending GA Tech to study Industrial Engineering, she settled down in a small town outside the city where she has remained ever since. She keeps house for one husband, two sons, and a thankless dog (who she adores anyway). Her loves: books, bacon, bargains... heavy metal, Christmas movies... a great pair of jeans... and anything cheesy. The four dirtiest words she knows: wash, cook, dust, iron.

Connect with Heather:
Twitter @HeatherMuzik

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