Friday, September 13, 2013

3 Months Already! See How Elliott Has Grown.

It's picture time again! Yes, my little guy is already 3 months old.

Just last night I had to correct myself from saying he is 2 months old. No, I have never been a Mom who counts everything in weeks. Sorry.

Laid back and full of smiles, Elliott is already very social when we go out. He just loves to flirt. Yes, it reminds me a whole lot of his big brother at that age. When we would go out to eat Owen would smile and coo for every server that passed by. They always remembered him.
Elliott adores his big sister and brother. He spend most of his time either watching them or blowing bubbles. Recently he discovered his feet. No, not to grab or suck on... by to fold together. It is so cute. He often sticks his feet up in the air and taps them together. It makes him look like a little smiling bug.

This little guy is just starting to try out 3-6 month clothing. He is long and thin but growing steadily. His favorite companion is a little green monster lovie. It's the perfect size to grab and pull into his mouth.

Most notable this past month was a long car ride to PKU Family Camp where he didn't cry until the last 20 minutes. It was pretty impressive and he was such a good little traveler for his first vacation.
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