*Disclaimer - I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Welch's. I received product samples to facilitate my review, and a promotional item as a thank you for participating. #ShareWhatsgood #MC
Owen started Kindergarten earlier this month and I've already started to miss him in the mornings. It's really the first time he has ventured out onto his own. When he gets back after lunch, the first thing I ask is for him to tell me about his day.
The life of a Kindergarten student, through the eyes of a 5-year old, is very exciting. There are projects and stories to share, imaginary worlds created at recess to recount and papers and information to share from his teacher. He is all wiggles when he gets home, but I try to hold him at the table long enough to share his morning with me.
So far Owen loves story time and music class. Braver than I, his teacher gave him sticks to tap together to keep beat with the music. His eyes danced as he told me he could hit them together as loud as he wanted. Story time has captivated my little man so much, he has followed all the rules of sitting quietly and staying still so he can participate. That is no small feat for my little bundle of energy.
In order to convince him to share his day with me, I offer him a drink and a snack. After his busy morning, he usually has a big appetite and telling me all about his day leaves him awfully thirsty.
I don't want to miss a word or a minute of the action. I swear I can see him growing up right in front of me. Why does time have to move so quickly for Moms?
I truly believe I will cherish these moments we share over the kitchen table all of my life. He won't always be my bright-eyed and eager Kindergarten student, but I do hope that we are building a strong relationship together.
Welch's also believes in these powerful "kitchen table" moments and has helped to create them for generations. I know from my own childhood that a great peanut butter and jelly sandwich with Welch's grape jelly is a great way to get family members to sit down and chat. Whether you share a moment over a glass of juice, or a sandwich, Welch's is encouraging people to "Share What's Good". The site for this movement contains fun family ideas, recipes and a chance to share photos of your everyday moments with others.
Welch's also just kicked off their "Share Your Moments" photo contest. From 9/16 to 10/25 upload a photo of your favorite family moment for a chance to win $5,000! While there is only one grand prize, everyone who enters will get a $1.50 coupon for Welch’s 100% Grape Juice – or $2.00 if you share the news. Visit Sharewhatsgood.com to enter.
Join in with your own kitchen table moments on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and tag it with hashtag #sharewhatsgood so others can find it. I can't wait to see your moments.
Connect with Welch's on Twitter and Instagram.
What special kitchen table moment did you enjoy recently?

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