Yet another month has passed. I can't believe how fast this little guy is growing!
We had some cranky nights, his first real cold and first deep belly laughs. Elliott remains a pretty laid back and calm baby. With no shortage of entertainment, his big brother and sister are always looking to be the center of his attention.
My son though can get smiles and giggles out of his baby brother without much work. I think little guy already looks up to his silly big brother.
This past month Elliott officially became a thumb sucker and has finally reached out to his toes. Pacifiers are still only tolerated, but not enjoyed. They are helpful on those evening shopping trips when he is ready to make a break from the car seat.
I don't blame him though. Taking a car seat in shopping is not my favorite. I haven't reintroduced the Ergo to him for a while and think now that he is larger and stronger it may be time.
While trying to snap his 4 month pics, he was busy trying to sit up in the lounger. Not as much smiling this time, not because he wasn't happy, he was just preoccupied. He can sit up using his hand for a short time, and he can roll from back to front and front to back on his own.
Bring on the baby six-pack abs.
I am enjoying the extra mobility, but I am still loving the stationary baby phase. Yeah, he'll be cruising in no time and I still need to get the downstairs baby proofed.
On the fashion front, my little guy is currently sporting a reverse Picard (as my husband calls it). You know, hair on top and bottom, but bald in the middle? I look forward to him growing it back out. His red hair is so pretty.
Yes, Elliott continues to grow and amaze us everyday. Happy 4-month birthday little guy!

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