Monday, November 4, 2013

Spread Some Creativity with Jif - Enter the Most Creative Sandwich Contest

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Jif. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Peanut butter was a staple in my home growing up and today I enjoy eating mine with my family. Not just for lunch, I love mine with toasted bread and sliced bananas for breakfast, or mixed into a wrap sauce for dinner.

Well, Jif is currently hosting their Most Creative Sandwich Contest - challenging peanut butter sandwich enthusiasts out there to create an original sandwich recipe that includes 2 tablespoons of your favorite Jif product.

Parents of children ages 6 - 12 can submit their original recipe for a chance to win and be crowned this year's recipe winner. They will also win a $25,000 college fund and a trip to New York City!  Check out some of the finalists from last year's contest.

My son and I have our thinking caps on and plan to whip up an entry together in the kitchen. My favorite so far is a Phad Thai wrap using salted peanuts, rice noodles, bean sprouts and our favorite Natural Creamy Jif.

Be sure to enter before the deadline, November 8th. Check out the full contest rules for more information.

Would you like a chance at a $25K College Fund 
and a trip to NYC?


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