Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Best Served Cold, by Tawdra Kandle - My Review

I was provided a review copy from Promotional Book Tours to facilitate a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

By Tawdra Kandle

Sometimes revenge is your only choice. . .

Julia worked for weeks planning the perfect surprise birthday party for her boyfriend, Liam, but that night, she was the one who got the biggest shock. He broke up with her in front of all their friends, humiliating her in the process.

Clearly revenge was in order.

 The plan is simple. Make him jealous, win him back, and then crush his heart. Fair is fair. However, there is one little hiccup and he has curly brown hair and dimples.

 Jesse is everything she wants. With him, she could almost forget her bruised heart. Almost. Julia has one choice: let Liam walk away after everything he did, or lose a chance at love in pursuit of payback.

My Review:
Author Tawdra Kandle's latest book appeals to anyone who has ever been heartbroken and had a moment when revenge fantasies ran wild. Of course, for Julia, love also has its own timeline. With clever writing, humorous dialogue and "the wrong guy" you can't help but fall for, this book is a must-read. 

Of course it is much easier for the readers to fall in love with Jesse than for revenge driven Julia to. The characters are interesting and easy to relate to - hate them or love them, you will be cheering them on all the way.

And don't miss the end of the book... Ava, Julia's roommate, will be getting her own story next!

Amazon/Barnes and Noble/Smashwords  

  Tawdra Kandle has been a writer since pens were invented. Her first published story appeared in Child Life magazine when she was 13 years old. She took a brief hiatus of about thirty years to hone her craft, get married and have four children before publishing the young adult quartet The King Series. She has since published books in both the adult and new adult romantic genre. Tawdra lives in Florida with her husband and children, both skin and fur-types. Oh, and yes--she has purple hair.  

Follow Tawdra Kandle: Website / Facebook /Twitter / Pinterest / Literary Addicts /Goodreads /Amazon

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