Thursday, December 12, 2013

Good Intentions by DN Simmons - My Review

I was provided a review copy from Promotional Book Tours to facilitate a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

by DN Simmons

SciTech Labs was handsomely commissioned by the United States Military to design a revolutionary serum that would create the ultimate soldier. If successful, the soldier would have an increase in endurance, strength, awareness and overall speed. They would become the true super soldier. That's if everything went according to plan.

SciTech put its best scientists on the project and gave them a time limit to complete the job or else. With the pressure on and the stakes high, Vincent Masterson and his team put everything they had into the project. Everything was looking hopeful until an experiment went horribly wrong. The scientists mutated their specimen's DNA, turning it into something monstrous. Now, life as we know it will never be the same.

As it stands, the only thing that can save the human race is one of the two things they should be running from.

 Can the human race survive being caught in a bloody war between two vicious predators?

My Review:
Good Intentions is part of The Dead War Series - a refreshing take on a zombie scenario. Filled with vividly described scenes and a refreshing storyline, this book will hook any paranormal readers immediately. I have said before that I am not a huge zombie lit fan, but this book was so well written and author DN Simmons has such a gift for writing that I thoroughly enjoyed it. The logic behind this evolutionary step is so well thought out, it has given me nightmares for weeks. Could it really happen?

Now I am waiting on the edge of my seat for the next book ... I want to read more about the Vampires!

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AUTHOR BIO: D.N. Simmons was born and raised in Chicago, Il. She attended Northern Illinois University majoring in journalism. She began writing short horror stories at the age of eleven and in 2004, she decided to take the plunge into the professional literary world when she published Desires Unleashed. She’s an avid fan of the paranormal and horror genre, finding vampires and shape-shifters fascinating. She’s been voted “New Voice of Today” by Romance Review, “Rising Star” by Love Romance and More and “Author of the Month” by Warrior of Words. Her work has won honorable mentions in catogoeis such as Best Paranormal, Best Book of the Year and Best Urban-Fantasy. D.N. has a passion for crafting highly entertaining fantasy worlds her readers can escape to, filled with wonders, humor and excitement. Follow D.N:
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