Friday, December 20, 2013

Introducing Kecia from Southern Girl Ramblings

It is the time of year for gift exchanges and Secret Santa. I am a proud member of the Social Fabric community of bloggers and this year am participating in the Virtual Gift Exchange. Yippee!

I am excited to introduce Kecia from Southern Girl Ramblings - my virtual gift is to share a little about this talented blogger with readers here as well as the Social Fabric community in general. So, let's get to know Kecia and her blog a little better, shall we?

Kecia started blogging in 2005, and Southern Girl Ramblings was born in 2009. With a little bit of everything from giveaways to surviving parenthood, I think there is something for everyone on her site. She is a busy Mama of two - she just added a new baby boy to the crew. Congrats Kecia!!

Check out her Pinterest boards for everything from delicious recipes to Blogging Resources. I think we can all learn something from a board filled with guest posting etiquette to organization and how to use keywords. All great stuff that I plan to repin and read.

As for my favorite posts on her blog? Well, it is hard to choose but the Super Simple Caramel Apple Cupcakes caught my eye... and as a cloth-loving mama I enjoyed her first post Beginning her Cloth Diaper Journey. I can't wait to see what she thinks of cloth after having tried it out on her new baby. I am a fan and love seeing new converts come into the fluffy fold.

Overall, Kecia is someone I would love to meet in real life. She has a great blog, great tips, as well as tries out and gets to giveaway a lot of neat products. I hope you drop by her blog and connect with her on her social media channels: Instagram - Check out the adorable pics of her new baby! And Facebook 

Kecia, happy holidays! Congratulations on your beautiful new baby boy and I hope 2014 is a madly successful year of blogging for you.


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