Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Keeping Holiday Birthdays Special with Hallmark

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. Besides celebrating the holidays, I will also be celebrating my husband's birthday - with Hallmark, of course!. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client. #BIRTHDAYSMILES
I know a little about holiday birthdays. My husband was born the day after Christmas, my stepdad on Father's Day and my husband's Grandmother was born on Halloween. Now, it can be fun to celebrate a birthday and holiday at the same time, but it is very important that happy birthday wishes don't become lost in all the excitement.

When I first started dating my husband my Mother-in-Law had some pretty clear rules set up for his birthday. She worked really hard to keep his birthday and Christmas separate and make him feel special. Over the past 12 years of marriage I have added a few more ideas to the list on how to keep his special day, special.

1. Pick the Perfect Card.
I feel pretty lucky that our local Walmart has a rockin' Hallmark section. It makes finding a great card so much easier. I just love the selection Hallmark offers.

Since it is opened first, I think the card sets the mood. Depending on the recipient, I either go for something from the heart or something humorous. Hallmark always seems to have something just perfect for me.

My kids went straight for the musical cards. They love the Hallmark innovations line with hoops & yoyo. I am grateful that every time we shop they seem to have a whole new selection to choose from. We haven't run out yet. If my husband isn't careful, my kids will probably swipe his card after he reads it and open it over and over in their room upstairs. I am always amazed at how long these cards last with a demanding 6 and 4 year-old.

I started in the humor section but finally found the perfect card to express my feelings in the Birthday For Him section. To me the perfect card should say everything I only wish I was eloquent enough to say myself. After 12 years of marriage and 3 kids, I think my husband and best friend deserves a little added appreciation. He is turning 35 this year, the grey hair is here and 40 is on the horizon, so I have to make it extra special.

2. Add Personal Touches
My kids loved picking out a card for their Daddy, but we make it extra special with personal messages and drawings. Hand my kids a box of crayons or markers and they will go to town. Seeing their hard work all over the card and envelope always brings a smile to my husband's face.

These little added touches, or the messages I add at the bottom of his birthday card is what personalizes them for us. Maybe you have a special saying you always use or mark that will make it all yours.

3. Plan Ahead
Even though my husband's birthday isn't until December 26th, I know now is the time to get the gift, the card, have everything wrapped and ready. It is also a great time to plan the birthday meal menu and make sure the freezer is packed and anything I can prep ahead is done. The day after Christmas most places are still closed or not restocked, so I don't want to be running out of the house in search of a last minute item.

4. Don't Mix Holidays & Birthdays
This was an important tip from my Mother-in-Law. Despite being awash in holiday gift wrap and gift bags, be sure to use distinctly birthday packaging, cards, etc. for birthday items. Depending on our day we will set aside a meal and make that our birthday time. Birthday breakfasts and birthday dinners are popular in our house.

5. Make it All About Them.
Ultimately a holiday birthday is still a birthday. My husband's day will be spent enjoying time with his family, enjoying the foods he loves and hopefully receiving a present that will be memorable. Everyone should feel special on their birthday and their day should be filled with #BIRTHDAYSMILES.

Here is a fun digital magazine full of more great holiday ideas, including more ideas from Hallmark. Check it out:

Connect with @Hallmark on Twitter or on Facebook for fun promotions and ideas.

Do you have a holiday birthday in your house? How do you keep it special?

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