Monday, January 20, 2014

Game Time Made Easy with DiGiorno + DIY Cheer Pom Craft

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. For Game Time we stocked up on DiGiorno pizza currently on rollback at Walmart. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #GameTimeGoodies

My 6-year old just had the chance to attend his first basketball game with his grandparents. We are college b-ball fans, bleeding green and yellow for Oregon, and his excitement about basketball has been infectuous. The cheering and electricity he experienced on the court has bled over to watching it on TV. So I decided to throw a little at-home viewing party that we could all enjoy together.

Cheering on our favorite sports teams builds up quite an appetite so I wanted to have plenty of crowd pleasing food favorites on hand. To me, game day means pizza day. I love my pizza to be fresh, cheesy and piled with toppings, so I knew it had to be DiGiorno!

To keep my team happy and be kind to my wallet, I headed into Walmart to pick up our pizzas, salad bar fixings and some supplies for making hand-held pom-poms to cheer on our team. I was really excited because Walmart is currently running a special $4.50 rollback price for DiGiorno pizza. That sounded like a slam dunk to me.

I grabbed both Three Meat and Supreme Rising Crust pizzas in the frozen aisle. I thought these would be perfectly matched with our salad bar and drinks. All of it is easy game food to feed a crowd and let me enjoy the game along with them.

Don't you just love how the cheese gets all crispy and golden around the edges of the pizza? I usually pick that off and eat it first. I am a crust-in sort of gal.

Weird, huh?

I have a 6 and 4-year old who don't mind salads, but it never fails to amaze me that when they get to choose the toppings, they say it tastes better. My son likes to pile it up higher than his pizza. I think balance is good.

Okay, the only thing that could make pizza and a great game better would be hand-held cheer poms to shake during free-throws or after after our team scores. Originally I was going to make big poms, but my kids wanted a bunch of them so we went pencil top size for convenience. I have to admit that it worked out even better than I planned.

Whip these up in your favorite teams colors and hand them out to guests at your next party for added spirit.

You Will Need:

  • Tissue paper in your team's colors (2 - 3 peices for each pencil topper)
  • scissors
  • pencils
  • clear heavy duty tape
  • ruler* optional
Start by cutting each peice of tissue paper in half. Then stack the halves (4 - 6 peices) in a pile. You can experiement with alternating colors or block of colors, as you like. Fold the stack in half and then fold up the bottom fold twice, about 2 inches. This part will wrap around the pencil as in the picture above.

On the open side start cutting uniform strips down to the fold. My strips were less than 1/2" wide.

Then roll the pencil, tightly, in the bottom fold. Make sure to keep smoothing the strips down as you roll so they don't get tangled.

Then tape the tissue paper to the pencil. You can choose to wrap the entire pencil in tissue paper to match or leave it as is.

Once everything is secure, open and separate the strands of tissue paper. Be sure to concentrate on the base so the whole pom will take on a fuller appearance.

Then hand them off to your fans. No explanation needed.

My kids loved shaking them at the screen. The bonus was there wasn't nearly as much yelling during the game, just a little whoosh from the frantic shaking of pom-poms! Score one for Mommy.

She shoots, she scores for game time success! Good food, good friends and a great game of basketball on the television. Does it get much better than that?

Don't forget to stock your freezer now with that rollback pricing while it lasts.

What is your favorite DiGiorno pizza? Will it make an appearance in your house on game day?

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