Friday, January 10, 2014

In The Place Where There is No Darkness, by K.M. Douglas - My Review

I was provided a review copy from Promotional Book Tours to facilitate a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own. 


The year is 2019. The Watchers maintain a state of constant surveillance: guns are outlawed, media is censored, and unmanned drones patrol the skies.

Derrion Parsing is a high school senior and the son of an ex-Army Ranger. Unlike his classmates, he has access to information from the time before the Invisible War, when the government shut down the Internet, reformatting into a propaganda tool. When Derrion attempts to use this information as part of a school project, he awakens to his worst nightmare.

My Review:
K.M. Douglas has created a well written and chilling tale of a possible future. He is a master with the pen. His writing painted  a vivid image of war, the terrifying possibility of a "big brother" state and the loss of personal freedoms.

No story has haunted my waking thoughts like this one in years! A must-read for all science fiction fans.

Buy on Amazon | B&N 

K. M. Douglas grew up in Northeast Ohio and studied creative writing at The Ohio State University. He lives in Rainier, Washington with his wife, cat and two dogs. In the Place Where There is No Darkness is his first novel.

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