Monday, January 6, 2014

Men and Manolos, by Alyssa Velazquez - Review and Book Tour

I was provided a review copy from Promotional Book Tours to facilitate a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Men and Manolos: Love and Relationships In The Heels of A Hopeless Romantic

109 pages Genre: Women’s Biography, Memoir, Emotional Healing, Dating No one walks into a relationship without the proper footing…

 In a collection of original essays drawn from her open ended and inquisitive relationship column “Sex and the Chester,” Alyssa Velazquez explores a twenty-first century world dominated by proverbial singles, foreign and domestic affairs, and emotional recall relationships. In her intensely personal memoir of unscripted cute meets, dates that should have never happened, and affairs to forget Velazquez searches through her past for wisdom, perspective, and advice on the survival of a hopeless romantic. Following familiar scenarios through her never ending, often time predictable search for love in flats, sneakers, rain boots, and even a pair of Manolos her electric honesty makes us contemplate if maybe the key to the “mating ritual” is all in our shoes.

Buy on Amazon | B&N

My Review:
Clever, Humorous and Brutally Honest. Alyssa Velazquez might not have a long list of past flames to pull from, but her insights on love and happiness show a wisdom beyond her years. Having married my high school sweetheart, I can't say I have experienced a long string of bad relationships, but the author hits first love, the "Mr. Big syndrome", and childhood expectations of love right on the nose. 

Women put up with non-chivalrous behavior, fairy tale ideals of love, as well as painfully gorgeous footwear all in the search of true happiness and a soul mate. This collection of essays points out both the pain and humor found along the way.

I really enjoyed reading these and would recommend them to anyone looking for a quick and enjoyable read. Both light and insightful, you won't want to miss a single essay. The author is a master storyteller and lets us all walk a day in her Manolos in search of love.
Author’s Biography:
Living in New Jersey, Alyssa Velazquez currently works as a barista while daydreaming of mastering latte art. The product of liberal arts education, she has worked in D.C., Maryland, and Philadelphia as a conservation apprentice, production design intern, living history actor, and most recently a free-lance writer for The Women’s History Magazine and the Secretaries of Juliet Newsletter: Il Giornal de’Juilette. Twitter: @AlyssaManolo Website:


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