Friday, January 24, 2014

Scattered Links by M. Weidenbenner - My Review

I was provided a review copy from Promotional Book Tours to facilitate a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own. 

 Scattered Links

Scattered Links is a novel that pulls its characters from the gutters and, in the end, celebrates the tenacity of the human spirit.

Thirteen-year-old Oksana lives on the streets of Russia with her pregnant mama and abusive aunt—both prostitutes. When Mama swells into labor, Oksana makes a decision to save herself from abandonment, a decision that torments her forever. When her plan fails and her aunt dumps her in an orphanage, she never has the chance to say goodbye to her mama or tell her the secret that haunts her.

Scattered Links is a story of family and the consequences that come from never learning how to love, of a girl’s inability to bond with her adopted family and the frustrations that follow. How can a child understand the mechanics of forming a healthy relationship when she never had a mother who answered her cries, held her when she was frightened, fed her when she was hungry, or loved her unconditionally?

 Only when the child meets a rescued abused horse, and recognizes the pain in his eyes, does she begin to trust again.

Scattered Links, (initially titled Love is Just a Word), was the winner of the 2013 Aspiring Writers Competition, sponsored by Write on Con and The Reading Room. Scattered Links was intended to show a glimpse into the life of a child with RAD, reactive attachment disorder, so prevalent in children who never had unconditional love in infancy.

 This novel was inspired by Michelle’s journey to Russia to adopt her orphan daughter. Upon seeing the neglect of orphanage children and learning of the effects of RAD in post-institutionalized children, Michelle researched this disorder, committed to giving her daughter the best chance at a healthy life. Sadly, many parents can’t cope with the behavior from kids with RAD and re-home their children like pets.

Buy on Kindle | Paperback

 My Review:
Okay, first grab a box of tissues, then grab Michelle Weidenbenner's book, Scattered Links. is is an emotional and heart tugging journey. From the poverty of Russia to the struggle within her adoptive home. Oksana both broke my heart with her pain and opened my eyes to RAD, a disorder I had never heard of before. 

The relationship the grew between Oksana and Boris was beautiful. As an animal lover I could understand the ability to love something else who quietly understood her own pain. 

The author did an amazing job creating such an emotional, but beautiful journey. I would definitely take the journey again with her writing.

About the author:

Michelle grew up in the burbs of Detroit with five brothers. No sisters. Each time her mom brought the boy bundle home from the hospital Michelle cried, certain her mom liked boys better than girls. But when her brothers pitched in with the cooking, cleaning, and babysitting—without drama, Michelle discovered having brothers wasn’t so bad. They even taught her how to take direct criticism without flinching, which might come in handy with book reviews. Michelle blogs at Random Writing Rants where she teaches and encourages writers how to get published.

Follow Michelle:

Blog link: Random Writing Rants Teaching adults and teens how to get published   Website link: Facebook link: Twitter link: @MWeidenbenner1 Goodreads link: 

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