Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dark Chocolate Multigrain Cheerios® - Just for Me

The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op. All experiences and opinions are my own.

Honey Nut Cheerios are a favorite of mine. Every sweet bite reminds me of my childhood.

But, I'm not a kid anymore. Now I need a breakfast option that is a little more grown up, right? Something that contains multi grains? And, how about something with a little dark chocolate in it? Now I may be on to something.

General Mills must have been reading my mind because they came out with the new Multigrain Dark Chocolate Cheeries.

Bowls and spoons everywhere can celebrate.

I can pour myself another bowl and not feel guilty.

Now, being up nursing an 8-month old at all times of the night, I have found a new appreciation for cereal. It isnt' just what I grab in the morning to start my day. Things like these Cheerios are perfect for those late night munchies. A small bowl is enough to calm my hunger and the light chocolate flavor helps to calm my sweet tooth.

I am not usually a big fan of chocolatey cereals, but the flavor here ... maybe the dark chocolate flavor... was much more enjoyable to me. This wasn't just a kids' cereal. This was a fun choice for me.

See more products, promotions and fun on the Cheerios Facebook page.

Have you tried the Dark Multigrain Cheerios yet?

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