Thursday, February 6, 2014

Friday Frenzy (2/7) Love is In The Air

What??!! It's Friday already? 
Seems like this year is already flying by and Valentine's is just a week away. Are you planning any last minute craft projects? Baking or cooking something for the people in your life? Well, don't forget to link up your great creations. Show them off. Brag a little. Share and maybe even pick up a new recipe or craft idea while you are at it. Thanks for stopping by this week. 

I can't wait to see what you brought to this week's Friday Frenzy.

friday food frenzy

Close to Home ,Mostly Food and Crafts and  Adventures in All Things Food. welcome you to FRIDAY  FRENZY where we come share your best food recipes as well as you Craft projects.  You will have a chance to have your project or recipe showcased on all three blogs.  We are all looking for a little inspiration in the kitchen and the craft room!
Outside of following the hostesses, we just love for you to link up an amazing recipe or craft project you want to show off.  Each week we will feature up to three of the mostly viewed links,  be sure to stick around and click on your favorite recipes. The featured recipe will also be pinned on our Friday  Frenzy Pinterest Board. Be sure to tell your friends we are showcasing your talents this Friday and to join the party. 

 Please visit the three posts in the linky that are listed as HOST.  Also it would be great if you visited at least two links.  We all really appreciate your visits.

Featured Links from last week.

Our first featured link from last week is this Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake which is sure to be a wonderful Valentines Day dessert recipe or really anytime who says no to Chocolate?

valentines day dessert idea

 WE could not resist showing this super easy and inexpensive DIY project from A Dose of Paige.  What adorable DIY Tile Coasters to make for a loved one or teacher.
  DIY Valentines gift

Finally tooting Close to Home's horn, I thought these Easy Baked Red Velvet Donuts were not only simple but perfect for Valentine's Day Breakfast recipe.

  cake mix donut recipeEverything looked amazing, thanks again for linking up your Craft Ideas and Recipes.  What will you be making for Valentines Day? No matter what you created last week share them today.


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