Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Sandpiper, by Susan Lovell - Review

I received a complimentary copy of the book as part of a  BookSparks tour in order to facilitate my review. All opinions and experiences are my own.

Nestled in the safe haven of The Sandpiper, a white-shingled cottage perched above the endless blue of Lake Michigan, Nina Judd has always been the guardian angel of the three Cameron women. Ellie Cameron, widowed mother. Kate, her perfect older daughter. Jamie, the screw-up. Kate and Jamie are sisters bound in loyalty by a secret oath—two bright young women full of life and promise until the fateful summer Jamie turns eighteen, a summer that ruined everything. 

But in the end, maybe Kate isn’t so perfect after all, and Jamie not so hopeless. Embraced by The Sandpiper, and Nina’s love, two sisters finally share their secret and struggle toward forgiveness and healing.

My Review:
I was immediately drawn into this touching story, as it begins in the begining. A family with big promise, facing an uncertain future as the War with Vietnam goes on. The loss of their father sets the tone for the rest of the book, but author Susan Lovell doesn't just write off her characters after such a devestating loss, no, she interjects a beacon of hope with the Grandmother figure of Nina.

This is a story about loss, secrets, infertility and second chances.

These are real character all battling their own demons and yet I loved the fiercly loyal bond that Kate and Jamie shared. Lovell did an amazing job of writing her characters with their flaws easily visible, but a sense of compassion for their humanity at the same time.

I have to admit that I did keep my box of tissues handy, but held onto every last word.

Grab your own copy of The Sandpiper on Amazon.

About Susan Lovell: Susan Lovell earned undergraduate and graduate degrees with honors in English from the University of Michigan and taught high school and college English. She co-founded Cadence, a weekly newspaper in East Grand Rapids, Michigan and is the author of four non-fiction histories. Lovell currently sits on the Grand Rapids Salvation Army’s Advisory Board. She and her husband live in Grand Rapids.


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