Monday, March 17, 2014

Healthy Changes with Insync Natural Probiotic

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. This post is not a health care professional's opinion. All opinions are my own. #NaturalProbiotic

I can see the cherry blossoms on the farm blooming from my bedroom window. It has been making me restless for Spring, warmer weather and getting outside.And as I am faced with slipping on my favorite pre-baby Summer clothes, it hits me. I don't want to worry about the scale this Spring. No, I just want to make sure I am the healthiest I can be from the inside out.

There seems to be a feeling of peace that has hit me at 35. I seem to worry less about how I look, and care more about how much energy I have, what my family is eating and how the food makes us feel. This has prompted several discussions around the dinner table about fermented foods and digestive system balance.

I mean, with 3 small kiddos, I have a little stress in my daily life. Stress kills..., and it also kills off the good bacteria in my digestive system.

Probiotics seem to be in the news more and more. Of course, I want my family to have healthy gut flora and I try to serve foods that are rich in helpful bacteria like fresh yogurt and homemade Sauerkraut. But with my busy schedule and the baby, I can't always keep up our supply.

So, I decided to start my husband and I on a more regular source for our natural probiotic.

Last month I noticed Insync Probiotic was in Costco's Connection Magazine. I had to check it out. This brand contains Doctor recommended B.Infantis, along with 5 other natural probiotic strains. The GI Guard helps the probiotics get to their destination in one peice so they can get to work.

Since I spend so much time and effort on what my family is eating, we might as well be getting the most out of all those nutrients.

The 90 caplet pack was handy. It contained 2 bottles and I handed one right over to my husband. What can I say? I like to share with those I love.

I started taking mine right alongside my morning regimen of vitmains and supplements. Since I am doing something good for myself I can't help but make better food choices. Dressed up oatmeal and a cup of green tea is my favorite way to start the morning and I feel good all day.

I have also been swapping out more of my usual lunches for salads. No boring lettuce and tomato salads in sight though. This was one of my favorites, quinoa and chicken over a bed of butterhead lettuce, avocados, cucumbers, tomatoes and Cannelini beans.


Along with those good food choices, I have resumed my daily walks. My son enjoys the view and I am in a better mood when I am active. I plan on enjoying every minute of good weather this Spring has to offer with my family.

So, yeah... I am feeling good and happy about the choices I am making for myself as well as my family. This Spring I am working towards a new me from the inside out.

Want to learn more about probiotics? Check out Insync Probiotics on Facebook, follow @insyncprobiotic on twitter or check out the Insync Probiotics website for where to buy yours.


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