Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Time to Clean is Spring! But I'm Starting Now

One thing my house could really use is a deep Spring Cleaning.

Not just the usual surface clean, but a "throw-open-the-windows" and go from top to bottom in every room kinda clean. With 3 growing kids there is a lot to tackle from clutter to cobwebs and the tiny bits of paper crammed into the heating vents. No, really... that is what I found this week.

We have seasonal allergies so cleaning has a double benefit. I need to get rid of as much of the dust, mold and dander before the pollen starts to creep in. Spring is actually when I need to have all the air filters changed and keep the windows closed to flower and grass pollen. That allows us to have at least a home haven away from the sneezing and itchy eyes of hay fever.

Our lives are just starting to get busier too, seeds are being planted and soon I will want to take my family outside, so it is time to cut the clutter and de-stress inside. Spring gives me a boost for letting go of things I stockpiled over the Winter. Do I really need to keep 20 toilet paper rolls for craft projects? No, the kids can just go play outside.

Today I decided to get organized for all this cleaning. The first thing I did was make a list of the biggest jobs I want to complete.

Here is Check list:
  • Changes Air Filters
  • Change the Batteris in Smoke Detectors
  • Wash Windows - inside and out
  • Tackle the Cobwebs
  • Vacuum and Deep Clean Carpets
  • Go through the Medicine Cabinet for out of date items
  • Organize the Pantry and toss out of date items
  • Deep Clean Drains
  • Sort Clothing - Maternity, Baby and Kids
  • Clean out the Deep Freezer
Where should you start? I am going to start with this priority list, then I want to devote 15 minutes each day to a different room to get the smaller projects tackled.

The next thing I did was take a peek at my cleaning supplies. What did I need? What did I need to make more of. I refilled my cleaning vinegar and need a new spray bottle for bleach solution. I also need to pick up a new pack of sponges. 

After cleaning out my cleaning bucket, (It is funny how much dust and grime it accumulated over the Winter!) and restocking it, now I don't have an excuse not to start. 

When do you start Spring Cleaning? Do you have a master list to tackle?


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