Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ad: Fuel Your Inner Superhero with a High Protein Breakfast

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. #StartWithTyson

I live with a superhero.

Every morning my husband wakes up bright and early to rush off  to work, only lingering long enough in the kitchen for his coffee thermos to fill.  He doesn't stop to decide what to eat for breakfast, he usually just skips it. Flying out the door and off to face another long day of problem solving, disaster averting and feats of strength or endurance.  My husband is a farmer.

Being that super doesn't always leave time to sit down for breakfast. And I really don't wake up with the sun to make it for him, either. But all that work requires a high protein breakfast, a way to keep up his strength and energy for whatever Mother Nature throws at him.


Right now hay season is in full swing . The hay waits for no one. Too wet and it will mold, too dry and it might shatter. Just the right balance must be found and then it is go, go, go!

Because that go, go, go often leaves my husband working through meals and crashing from hunger, I decided to treat him to an easy healthy breakfast. A fast protein packed option he could grab quickly anytime of the day or night.

Heading over to my local Walmart I took a peek at what was available. I went straight for the frozen section because those items require very little prep or time. The Tyson Day Starts caught my eye because they contain 24% or more of the daily recommended protein intake.

I am a big fan of breakfast sandwiches. Of course, I want it all and have high expectations for ease of preparation as well as for it to taste like homemade. The eggs should taste like, well... eggs. And you know, I think I found a winner. 

I selected a box of the Sausage Egg Cheese Biscuits for my husband, his favorites, and the Southern Style Chicken Breast Fillet Biscuits for myself. Hey, I deserve quick breakfast ideas, too!

For my husband, his Day Starts went well with a cup of black coffee. I added in this citrus salad with pomegranate seeds. He is not against fruit in the morning, but won't reach for it unless it is ready to go and easy to eat. I don't see how anyone could pass up this simple, yet tasty, fruit salad.

Even my kids love citrus and I think it is a bright way to start the day. This little salad contains oranges, grapefruit and pink grapefruit segmented and tossed with pomegranate seeds. No need for a dressing. When they are segmented like this, my family just gobbles them up.

And my breakfast was very similar to my husband's, but I loved my Southern Style Chicken Breast Fillet Biscuit. It was a large piece of white meat chicken, juicy and flavorful, on a yummy biscuit.  Keeping my breakfast in one hand allowed me to easily feed the baby and myself at the same time.

A simple high protein breakfast like this,

...leaves my husband feeling a little more like this. Ready to tackle another long day of farming.

I know that we can't all be farmers, but we all have a little super hero inside each of us. Our super powers may all be different, but our strength for the day begins with a good breakfast.

Check your local Walmart for other Tyson Day Starts varieties like flatbreads and wrapped omelets. 

You can connect with Tyson on their Facebook page or Twitter to keep up with their newest products, promotions and special offers.

What is your superpower?


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