Thursday, May 8, 2014

Create an Easy Upcycled Vase with Tinted Mod Podge

Right now it seems like everything in the yard is blooming. Everytime I turn around I hear, "Mom, can I have a vase?" Yes, my little helpers have noticed all the blooms too, and they are determined to pick every single one.

The truth is I am hopelessly short of vases. What few I did have have been smashed or broken by the helpers. I am not sure that 4 and 6 year olds are a good mix with glass. So, I am not eager to buy new vases.

Instead I decided to make our own using things we already had around the house.

My kids love Danimals. In fact they are a lunch staple in our house. Usually I just throw the containers away, but the other day I thought about how perfect they would be to use for vases.

I would like to tell you that I am a Mod Podge expert. The truth is I didn't find Mod Podge until I was an adult. My childhood was instead filled with Elmer's Glue, yarn and knitting needles, though not always at the same time. So, decoupage is new to me. After seeing the new tinted Mod Podge at Walmart, I knew that I wanted to try my hand at at.

The sheer pink was just calling to me and I knew my daughter would love it.

For this project you will need:

  • 1 plastic container (Danimals yogurt container or something similar)
  • Mod Podge, sheer pink
  • paint brush
  • tissue paper of your choice, cut into squares and triangles
  • hot glue gun, hot glue
  • Mod Melt embellishments
  • 6 marbles
Start by adding a peice of tissue paper to the container and covering with a thin layer of Mod Podge in your favorite sheer tint, I used sheer pink. Use the brush to help smooth the paper down. Add another peice, overlapping the first and repeat until the entire surface is covered. Let the project dry.

use a border peice of Mod Melts, from the flower mold, hot glue it to the container and then dab it with more of the Mod Podge sheer pink. Let it dry completely.

The plastic vase is light, so weight it with about 6 marbles. Then fill with water and your favorite flowers.

Not only is this vase made from items already around my house, but it won't shatter like another glass vase. Yes, my kids can make a bunch of these and get back to picking flowers.

And they are so pretty right now. Do you blame them?


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