Monday, June 16, 2014

Almond Milk Recipes - Mango Lassi Drinks and Frozen Treats

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. I had fun creating Mango Lassi treats with #SilkAlmondBlends

Summer has just started in the Kruse household. In fact, it started out with a birthday, and the smiles haven't stopped yet. I have decided  the ultimate recipe for Summer success this year is a line-up of great afternoon snacks. I need cool and refreshing treats to re-energize my kids after a long day of play outside. These little taste testers approved and I am excited to share two of our favorite almond milk recipes, Mango Lassis and Frozen Lassi Cream Pops with Blueberries.

After college I worked and traveled around Asia for 3 years. It was hot, but I quickly learned that every country I visited had it's own treat to help cool off. In Japan I enjoyed Matcha (green tea) shaved ice with sweetened beans and condensed milk drizzled over the top. In Malaysia and Singapore I enjoyed treats such as cold Sugar Cane Juice and Mango Lassis.

I thought it was about time to introduce my kids to the joys of mango.

The only issue is we are a house divided. My husband and youngest son can have dairy, my two older children and myself are dairy free. I decided to explore our lactose-free options with Silk.

Now, if you are looking for a dairy free alternative to milk in your recipes, Silk has you covered. I started drinking the Silk Soymilk in college and really enjoyed the texture and flavor. Over the years people have offered me other products, but my heart (and stomach comfort) belong to Silk products and I definately can't go back to diary since I am lactose intolerant.

There are some new exciting products you may have noticed on the shelf right now. Silk Almond Coconut Blend and Silk Almondmilk Protein + Fiber are both available at my local Safeway and I knew they would be perfect to pair with mango. Almondmilk is definately gaining popularity with the non-dairy crowd and I was thrilled with the taste.

So, while shopping I also grabbed Silk Almondmilk and my mangos.

Mango Lassis are a really fast and easy drink to make. You can think of it like a healthy Mango milkshake... but these are dairy free!

Mango Lassi (Dairy Free)

You Will Need:
  • 1 c. coconut yogurt
  • 1/2 c. Silk Almond Coconut Blend + additional if needed
  • 3 fresh mangos, sliced and peeled
  • 1 Tbsp. simple syrup*
Put everything in the blender and puree till creamy. Add additional Silk Almond Coconut Blend to dillute as needed. The Lassi should be thick and smooth.

*Create symple syrup by combining equal parts sugar and water in a saucepan and heating till all the sugar is dissolved.

After making the Mango Lassis my kids declared, "hey this mango stuff is really good, Mom!" So I decided to surprise them for their afternoon snack. Around here we affectionately refer to it as "popsicle 'o-clock" After my kids have been playing in the dirt or running around outside they are hot and thirsty. I usually reward them with fresh fruit popsicles. Today though, I swapped out the seasonal strawberry for Lassi Cream Pops with blueberries.

These are sweet and creamy enough to please the kids... but Mommy gladly snagged the last frozen treat from the popsicle maker when the kids weren't looking...

Of course you can make this recipe with regular popsicle molds, or paper cups and popsicle sticks, but I use a quick freeze maker because it freezes my pops fast. I really don't have time to think hours ahead of time. And my children are rather impatient waiting for their treats.

"Are they done yet, Mom?" Gets old really fast.

Of course, you could throw any fruit peices in these. We just happen to have a whole field full of fresh blueberries to pick. I also happen to think that blueberries and mango go really well together. Both have fresh flavors, but the blueberries add a little hint of tart to the sweetened mango and coconut flavors.

Lassi Cream Pops with blueberries (Dairy Free)
You Will Need:
  • 1/2 c. mango puree
  • 2 Tbsp. Silk Almondmilk Protein + Fiber 
  • 1/4 c. simple syrup
  • 1/4 c. coconut yogurt
  • 1/4 c. Silk Almondmilk Protein + Fiber
  • 2 Tbsp. simple syrup 
In a small bowl whisk together the mango puree, 2 Tbsp. Silk Almondmilk Protein + Fiber and 1/4 c. simple syrup. In another bowl whisk together the coconut yogurt and remaining ingredients. Put a few fresh blueberries in the bottom of your frozen treat mold. Alternate adding the yogurt and mango mixtures to the mold. Add a few more blueberries along the way and freeze till solid.


My kids are already talking about the next time I make them Lassis. Luckily for them, I wouldn't mind making them again next week. They were really fast to whip up, and tasted so yummy.

And all the Lassi inducing laughter from my kids made my day. Isn't summertime the best?

How do you plan to stay cool this Summer?

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