Thursday, July 31, 2014

Back-to-School Gift - DIY Teacher's Wreath

I am posting a little later today with my craft after a very eventful morning. Well, eventful because the electricity was out. I had planned to do the last minute hot glueing this morning, but not only does a hot glue gun not heat without electricity, I also couldn't even get my much needed cup of coffee to get my day started. Grrr....

But anyway, today's craft is fast, easy and the kids can even help with the planning and color scheme. We decided to make a Teacher's Wreath after wandering around Walmart's craft section. The kids were going two different directions and finally, after a good deal of squabbling, we decided on a wreath.

I love the look of the dried grape vine wreaths for Fall. I also found the red burlap ribbon, I had some ruler printed ribbon in my stash and we grabbed these wooden apple cut-outs. It ended up costing me just under $7 per wreath.

You will need:

  • 1 grapevine wreath
  • burlap ribbon
  • wooden apple cut-out
  • paint in red, green and brown
  • vinyl to cut with whichever die-cut machine you have
  • mod-podge
  • hot glue and hot glue gun
Start by painting the wooden apples. Let them dry between coats.

Then cut out your vinyl. I put the teacher's names as well as the grade they are teaching this year. With transfer tape I put the words on my painted apples.

I covered each with a layer of mod-podge to seal it. It also made my apples nice and shiny.

Then it is time to assemble the wreath. With the hot glue gun, attach the ribbon all the way around the wreath.  Then create a bow with one or more ribbons and glue this and the wooden name badge onto the wreath. Last, create some kind of hanger for the wreath to be displayed. I decided to create a simple loop at the top.

If you are getting set for back-to-school, what about making your favorite teachers their own little welcome wreath?


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