Sunday, August 3, 2014

A New Snack Sensation - Chex Mix Popped

The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op. All opinions and experiences are my own. #ChexMixPopped #PlatefullCoOp

Can I offer you a snack?

If you have kids you probably constantly hear, "Mom, I'm hungry. Can I have a snack?" I try to keep a wide variety of options on hand from fresh fruit or vegetables to salty or sweet snacks. My mood is constantly changing and my kids? Well, I am pretty sure they will try anything ... at least, once.

Choosing is always the hardest part about snacks. What sounds good? What am I in the mood for?

I was sent the new Chex Mix Popped in both White Cheddar and Sweet & Salty. This seemed like the perfect solution to having to choose. I mean, I love Chex Mix... but I also love a bowl of popcorn. Can you say perfect pairing? The mixes are a fabulous collection of flavors, textures and fun.

My favorite was the White Cheddar.

With cheese triangles, light and crunchy cheddar popcorn and crunchy wheat and corn Chex, this was the perfect snack for late nights. I am not always hungry when I am working past the kids' bedtime, but I do like something easy to munch on.

My kids loved the Sweet and Salty which was full of caramel popcorn, pretzel sticks and more Chex pieces! Okay, I enjoyed this one too, but I did share.

Now, I have always loved munching on Chex mix, but with the addition of popcorn  in this snack just got better. I found my favorite flavors in my local Walmart, but look for these Chex Mix flavors and more in your local grocery store.

Now I just need the perfect Summer movie to go along with my Chex Mix Popped!

Follow Chex and all the fun on Facebook or Tumblr.

What is your snacking personality? Sweet or Salty?


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