Thursday, August 7, 2014

DIY Lavender Sugar Scrub

I used to pamper myself.

A large portion of my disposable income used to be spent on things like waxing, scented lotions and other items that served no other purpose than to make me feel good and pretty.

Now, fast forward about 13 years... I am desperately trying to stick one wayward curl behind my ear. It escaped from a haphazard ponytail. My glasses are smudged after being grabbed by a one-year old, I haven't had a shower today and you probably guessed it, I am sans makeup as I type. As opposed to having ever scent available from Bath and Body Works, now I might have a random tube of lotion... somewhere.

In other words, pampering has ceased and I could use a little pampering about now.

With a family of 5 though, who has the money to shell out for expensive lotions, boutique scrubs and other girly treats? Not this mama. Luckily, making an at home sugar scrub is super easy and very inexpensive. As I start playing around with scents and combinations, I will post those recipes as well. Today I have a simple, natural and amazing smelling Lavendar Sugar Scrub to share.

You Will Need:

  • 3 Tbsp. lavender blossoms
  • 1 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1/3 c. coconut oil
  • 2 Tbsp. grapeseed oil *optional, you could also use more coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp. vitamin E oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
Mix all the ingredients together with a spoon or spatula. Store in an airtight container like a mason jar. Use whenever pampering is called for.

I created this recipe to be both gentle and nourishing to my skin. Summer leg care often leaves my skin dry, so the coconut oil, grapeseed oil and vitamin E will help with that. You can change the formula to fit what works for you and what you have around the house. I chose to use both lavender blossoms and essential oil. You could definately use one or the other.


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