Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Stick to Your Morning Workout with 5 Tips + Dial Body Wash Giveaway

This workout worthy bottle of New Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango body wash was provided by the Dial brand in exchange for the review, but all opinions and experiences are my own. #GetNoticed

This week I have been getting up early to exercise with my son. Okay, some mornings the baby is up early, too and he comes along in the stroller, but my new commitment is to get back to 10,000+ steps a day. Despite trying to get in a workout DVD during naps, or slip away after dinner, I had to find something we could all stick to. Trying to walk mid-morning with 3 small children just wasn't happening.

If you are a busy Mom, you probably sympathize with how difficult it can be to carve out a few minutes for yourself. I mean, the bathroom is no longer a safe place and emergencies or tantrums seem to flare up when least expected.

I have to grab time where I can.

Of course a big motivator for me to work up a sweat is the steamy call of a hot shower. My newest treat has been the Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango Hydrating Body Wash. Not only does my skin feel smooth after my shower, but the antioxidants and electrolytes can help replenish lost hydration in my skin. Coconut water is all the rage right now, so why not treat you skin to a little, too. And the scent, it is a lovely way to start my day!

This is now my favorite way to wash off the salt and sweat of a good hard earned workout and maybe let my mind wander to a distant tropical island...

Okay, so besides finding the perfect time to slip in that daily workout, here are a few of my other tips.

5 Tips For Successfully Tackling Morning Workouts

1. Find a Buddy - Accountability is a huge motivator to me. In this case I enlisted my oldest son. He really needed another way to expel energy and stay out of trouble in the morning. He can walk/run most of our 3.3 mile loop on his own. If you have a baby, put them in the stroller and you are set!

2. Set Multiple Alarms - If you have a hard time waking up, don't let yourself hit snooze by setting multiple reminders to get up and get going.

3. Set Out Your Gear - I am much less likely to roll back into bed if my outfit is sitting and waiting for me to go. I also set out clothes for my son and we can be out the door in record time.

4. Hydrate - Don't forget to have a water bottle, or two, ready to go! I have one stashed in the fridge so I can stay hydrated for the entire workout.

5. Have a reward like Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango Hydrating Body Wash waiting for you to return. I give myself a few minutes to enjoy the hot water and get a fresh smelling start to the day. I love the coconut and mango scent to really pamper myself.

Giveaway Time!!!

Would you like to try this new body wash for yourself? I have 2 coupons so you can try it for yourself and treat a friend, too. This is one great experience you will want to share!

Easy entry! Leave me a comment on this post to tell me how you slip in workouts or why you need this hydrating coconut water body wash. I will draw a lucky winner on 9/1. Winner must be 18 years old or older and have a US mailing address. Good luck!

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