Wednesday, September 3, 2014

One down... and another goes soon!

I never thought I would say this...

I couldn't wait for school to start this year! No. I am not one of those Moms posting pics jumping for joy and embarrassing her kids at morning drop-off. It was a weight off my shoulders though.

Sometimes kids need outside positive influences.

And sometimes Moms need a break. Scratch that, deserve a break!

My 6-year old is a wonderful mess of energy, enthusiasm and inquisitiveness. Some days it bubbles over into being out of control. School allows him a place to not only shine amongst his peers but also burn off that excess energy that even our Border Collie can't seem to match.

Our Summer was a gut-wrenching standoff of rules, lessons on family respect and learning to listen. All important things every child must learn to navigate. And while I have never met anyone quite like this fabulous little guy, I am trying to teach him much more than book knowlege at home.

The truth is my son is much more willing to listen to an outside adult than us. At his age, his teachers are at the top of the food chain and are amongst his heros. From the librarian to the music teacher, we hear all about the amazing feats these people accomplish. They never cease to amaze me in their patience. After just a Summer, I am exhausted!

Now I hope he can take the life lessons we have beeing trying to impart and apply them to his daily school life.

My daughter will be following his lead as she starts Kindergarten this week. The house will seem much quieter without these two.

So no turning back now! The school year has started. It feels like another peice of my heart goes off to school with him each year. I mist up just thinking about how far we have come together in just 6 short years. But I look forward to all the wonderful experiences he will be bringing back to me when he returns on the big yellow bus.

I have a feeling it will be another great year for all of us.

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