Friday, September 12, 2014

Skin Care from the Inside Out with Exaltria

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #30Days2BetterSkin #CollectiveBias

And so it happens. Despite raising three small children, I have started to look into the mirror and wonder who is looking back at me. Do I really how fine lines? Where did the start of crows feet come from? Have I been taking my skin care regime seriously?

The truth is I'm going to be 36 this year and my skin isn't getting any younger. Yes, I don't feel it yet, but I am showing my age.

Sun damage, late nights in my 20's, and failure to treat my skin with the respect it deserves has left me less than happy with my skin's appearance. I just don't feel comfortable going out anymore with a naked face. I do feel the need to "put on my face" before seeing people.

I never post pics, here on the blog, of myself without make-up, but this seemed like a worthy cause. I can't wait to see how the after photos turn out.

So for the next 30 days I am not only going to be taking Exaltria, a natural dietary supplement that works from the inside out, I will also be doing 4 other healthy things to take better care of myself. They include:

  1. Drinking more water each day
  2. Working up a sweat for 30 minutes each day
  3. Healthy eating to start my day
  4. Washing my face twice a day
Wish me luck and stay tuned! All I have to lose is a few year's worth of lines and age showing on my face. 


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