Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Farm Update - Finally a Wet Fall

Seems like forever since we have had a wet Oregon Fall. It used to be something people joked about... but would grin and bear. My freshman year of college it rained for so many days straight students from out of state dropped out or transferred at an alarming rate.

Our kitten Lou-Lou has had a hard time adjusting to the wet weather. She darts in and out of the door, shaking her paws at the standing puddles getting in her way.

Oregon's wet weather may be an acquired taste.

But the past few years have been dry. No big Spring rains, no long Fall rainy weather stretches. Just dry. So while I hate the muddy tracks now appearing in my entryway, the never ending vacuuming and sweeping my floors require, it is nice to be "normal" again.

Finally those rain coats and boots are being put to good use. Yes, I buy them every year like clockwork, but the past few years they have barely been worn.

So the farm is one dirty, muddy place right now. Everyone keeps asking if things have slowed down much. Despite U-pick being done, visible farm work seemingly slow, there is still much that needs to be done!

My husband claims that the last corn of the season is some of the sweetest, and I have to agree. It has developed slowly and built up a sweet surprise for anyone still in the mood for fresh corn.

Orchards still need tending, carrots are being harvested, ground as well as machinery must be prepared for Spring. There are still many types of squash going strong in the field, and the weeds never stop their constant attempt to choke out the blueberries, strawberries and other annual crops.

Getting out for our daily walks has held less appeal to me, but I think it is time to break out the rain gear and suck it up. My youngest doesn't mind being bundled up in the stroller, and we both need the fresh air between downpours.

The older kids are already starting to get a little stir-crazy, AND it isn't even Winter yet!

So the farm keeps on going, and as always I am dreaming of the first strawberries of the year. No amount of wishing will bring them on any faster, but at least I can find comfort in knowing that they are getting a much needed rain. And finally, it feels like Oregon again.

Has Fall hit your area? What does Fall look like around your home?

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