As I mentioned in my previous post, my skin has really started to show my age. Crows feet, smile lines, uneven skin tone and larger pores... yeah, it doesn't bounce back like when I was 18. And this 36-year old can add to the fun sleepless nights as a Mom and probably not drinking as much water as I need.
Whew! Confessions are good for the soul. Aren't they?
Well, I introduced you all to the #30Days2BetterSkin challenge in my previous post, Skin Care from the Inside Out with Exaltria, and I am excited to say that my month long challenge has ended. Or, I should say I hit the one month mark, but more about that later.
In my before photo, which is completely bare faced, you can see that I have combination skin, dry in patches, oily in others. I have fine lines and blotchy skin. I am good about minimizing my sun exposure and use an SPF moisturizer daily, but the effects of the sun-filled days of teens are showing.
My challenge was to make simple changes in my day to help my skin look it's best. Here is what I promised to do:
- Healthy eating to start my day
- Drink 8 glasses of water daily
- Work up a sweat for 30 minutes a day
- Wash my face twice daily
- Take Exaltria daily
The first 2 weeks were the hardest. Hardest to remember to do everything I promised, as well as the hardest on my skin. It was a little drier than usual and areas around my T-zone peeled. Not a big deal, it reminded me of any new topical face creams I tried as a teen from the dermatologist. Everything has a transition period.
During this time I posted on Instagram and Facebook about my journey, but my day starts out with a healthy breakfast. My favorite includes a scrambled egg with my choice of vegetable, fresh fruit and a little Coconut Yogurt. Here is one of my favorites, a morning asparagus scramble.
Morning Asparagus Scramble
(Single Serving)
- 2 tsp. olive oil
- 3-4 Asparagus stalks, cut into 1/2 inch slices on a diagonal
- 1 large egg
- splash of milk
- salt and pepper to taste
Heat up the olive oil in a small pan. Add the sliced asparagus and saute till tender crisp over medium heat. Then scramble the egg with a splash milk and pour over the softened asparagus. Cook eggs through and salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!
Then I have my morning vitamins, one Exaltria pill and start drinking my water. Remember, my goal is to drink 8 glass of water every day. The first 5 are the easiest, but if I don't start early it is hard to squeeze in the last few.
After getting my kids on the bus for school I can push the stroller a little farther and work on getting 30 minutes of brisk walking in. Walking is my exercise of choice because I can do it with the baby. He loves our morning walks! I was also motivated to finally buy a Fitbit Flex and start tracking my overall activity and steps for the day.
A simple visual reminder always helps me stay on track. And I am a competitive person so earning my step or calorie badges is fun for me.
Along with my walk, regular household chores and the daily life, I keep my water bottle handy. This one has a built-in filter so I can refill anywhere. Taste is a big reason I often don't drink water. The filter has really helped with that.
And then of course I have been washing my face morning and night. Yeah, it seems like a simple thing to do, but sometimes those simple things make all the difference. I know as a teen and into my 20's it didn't always happen twice a day. Too busy to bother, you know?
Not all the lines are gone, but I am happy to say that my skin now looks more hydrated and the tone is more even on my previous problem areas. I would like to hope that my pores, especially around the apple of my cheeks, are less noticeable. For just a 30 day commitment, that isn't too bad.
So how did Exaltria fit in to my day? It was just one more step and a good reminder that there is a lot I wasn't doing for my skin before. It is too easy to overlook the simple things that can be done on a daily basis to help me look my best. And after 30 days these are all good habits that I want to keep going with.
What is Exaltria? It is a natural dietary supplement for skin that works from the inside out. At 25 the body can stop producing molecular acid, which slows or even stops the skin's ability to restore elasticity. One pill of Exaltria a day can help and help you maintain young healthy looking skin. You can purchase Exaltria on and start your own #30Days2BetterSkin Challenge.
What healthy skin routine do you have? Any secrets to share?

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