Sunday, November 30, 2014

Eggs Benedict Casserole - December Secret Recipe Club #Recipe

I love Eggs Benedict!

It was always a fancy brunch kinda breakfast. The salty Canadian Bacon, poached egg and warm, creamy Hollandaise sauce over a toasted English muffin. What is there not to love?

Okay, maybe trying to make and serve it to a crowd. That is not an easy task. This month has been all about the casseroles, the freezer meals, make-ahead-and-enjoy-for-days kinda meals. There is so much to do and make for the holidays, I just don't have time to slave over complicated menus right now.

So while browsing through Jane's blog, The Heritage Cook, last month for my December Secret Recipe Club assignment, I was thrilled to stumble upon this Eggs Benedict Breakfast Casserole.

Yes, I say, "stumbled upon" because there are just so many recipes on Jane's sight, I couldn't even begin to go through them all. Really, I would love to drop everything and drool over post after mouth-watering post, but you know. The gorgeous photos, treasure trove of recipe information and delicious variations are impressive. Jane has been a big part of The Secret Recipe Club since I joined in 2011.

It was an honor to cook from her wealth of recipes.

Now this is a breakfast casserole worthy of a holiday crowd! Make the savory base and one big batch of Hollandaise sauce everyone can pour over their slice. No waiting, no time for the Hollandaise to break or go cold. Brilliant, isn't it?

The recipe is gloriously simple. English muffins, Canadian bacon, onion, milk, eggs and thyme.

I started by cubing up and drying my English muffins. I want them to be nice and thirsty so they will soak up that great egg mixture overnight.

The egg mixture got all whisked up and ready to pour over the top of my casserole dish.

After going in the fridge overnight, the casserole is ready to bake. That gave me plenty of time to whip up a quick batch of easy Hollandaise sauce.

The sauce is made of egg yolk, these were fresh from my hens, lemon juice, water, salt, cayenne pepper and melted butter. And that is what makes it so rich.

I made a make shift double boiler and loved this recipe because it calls for adding the melted butter in the blender. The sauce came out creamy, silky and delicious!

Though there is still something decadent and exciting about Eggs Benedict, I think this version will make an appearance more often in our house. It is an easy way to enjoy the flavors without all the extra fuss.

And this time of year, simplifying things means I get to spend more time with my family. So, thank you Jane. It was delicious.

Eggs Benedict Casserole
recipe from The Heritage Cook

You Will Need:

  • 1 large onion, peeled and finely chopped
  • 2 Tbsp. butter
  • 10 large eggs
  • 2 c. milk
  • 1/2 tsp. kosher salt
  • 2 tsp. dried thyme
  • 12 oz. Canadian bacon, cubed
  • 8 English muffins (or 1 pkg.)
  • Hollandaise sauce, to serve with

Saute the onion in butter till translucent. Set aside to cool.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cube English muffins and spread onto a baking sheet. Dry in the oven for about 10 minutes, turning halfway through. Set aside.

Butter a 9"x 13" baking dish. In a large bowl whisk together the eggs, milk, salt and thyme. mix in the Canadian bacon and toasted English muffin cubes.Pour into the baking dish and cover with foil. Refrigerate overnight, or at least 8 hours.

When you are ready to bake the casserole, preheat the oven to 375 degrees and bake for about 40 minutes. Let the dish cool for about 10 minutes before slicing and serving.

Serve topped with your favorite Hollandaise sauce, or check out my traditional recipe in my previous Eggs Benedict with from scratch Hollandaise sauce



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