Oregon is known for it's wet weather, dark Winters and annual feelings of cabin fever have already started to appear. It is hard to keep kids, young kids especially, moving and active during the darker, colder months. So our LeapFrog LeapTV was a welcome addition to a rainy weekend and we even had friends over to share the fun!
If you have ever tried using a gaming system with young children, it can be a challenge, especially to find something where they can understand the instructions (often written) and can stay engaged at their learning level.
So what is LeapTV?
Take a game that is focused on kids, with sports, characters and activities that kids enjoy, give it an easy to use controller and then mix in basic learning lessons in a fun way. While my Kindergarten age daughter played the dance game, she also worked on forming compound words, and picking out the "striped fruit" on the screen or the "longest fruit".
My favorite part is the kids can be active while learning and playing interactive games! Targeted for kids ages 3-8, there are currently 9 cartridge games to choose from and 100+ games and videos available by year-end.
Our LeapTV system came with a console, motion-sensing camera so the players can see them selves on the screen, a transforming controller, power adapter, HDMI cable and a camera mount so the camera could be placed on top of our TV.
We were also sent 2 games to try; LeapFrog Sports and LeapFrog Dance & Learn.
Set up was easy. In fact, my husband was thrilled that most of the account set-up could be done on his smart phone. We didn't have to do any awkward typing with the controller or have to find a computer to finish set-up. The easy-to-follow instructions had us go from box to playing in just a few minutes.
The transforming controller can go from a classic hand-held controller for easy button reach and finger toggle to a pointer with both ends stretched out.
Even better, for the dance games, only body movement is necessary, so younger kids can push buttons and select fruit without having to worry about selecting the correct button.
Another feature I loved was that beginning readers were given verbal cues and help, so no one at our party was left out. This is exactly the type of gaming program I have searched for for years. True story, my oldest has always wanted to play on family game nights, but when he was younger it was frustrating that there wasn't an age appropriate system. Luckily, now there is!
One aspect the kids really enjoyed was being able to watch themselves on the screen. Our only issue was for a larger party kids behind the camera had to remain still or they could could interfere with some of the actions. We ended up placing our small chairs around the sides of the room so our guests could take turns in the fun.
From soaring around and flapping their wings...
...to creating compound words for real things...
"The sun did not shine.
It was too wet to play.
So we sat in the house
All that cold, cold, wet day."
- Dr. Seuss
...well, until these Oregonians got their LeapTV and made the most of their blustery day!
Check out a video of some of the fun. LeapFrog LeapTV
You can pick up your own #LeapTV in time for Christmas, along with various games. Look for them wherever other LeapFrog products are sold.

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