Monday, December 1, 2014

Dill and Chive Steak Wraps - with Mezzetta Memories

Many thanks to Mezzetta for sponsoring today’s #MezzettaMemories recipe story and encouraging me to spice up my favorite Holiday recipe. All opinions and experiences are my own.

As a child I always remember the waiting for the holiday meal. We would drive to the coast to be with my Dad's family and my Mom and Aunt would stay busy in the kitchen preparing food for our evening holiday meal.

As a kid, that was rough.

Usually we arrived early in the day and sometimes would spend a day or two there exploring the coast, botanical gardens or spending time at church. I only had one cousin nearby growing up, another only child like myself, so the wait was really long. And those good smells coming from the kitchen made us so hungry.

Well, with all the holiday meal preparation going on, you can imagine that meals before and after the big one were simple and fast. Since holidays are all about spending that special time with family, and the big meal is only one part of that, I created this Dill and Chive Steak Wraps recipe to fit in perfectly with a busy kitchen schedule

And the best part is, preparation is super simple with Mezzetta products. I grabbed my favorites, Sliced Greek Kalamata Olives, Roasted Bell Peppers, Imported Golden Greek Peperoncini and I also picked up a jar of Capers for Chicken Piccata later this week.

Keep reading to see how you can win your own Mezzetta products and grab a coupon, too! 

So, I know what you are thinking. A holiday wrap without turkey? Is that possible? Well, the truth is neither my husband nor I are huge turkey fans. In fact, my husband's family tends to not make a turkey for Christmas dinner. Instead they opt for Prime Rib.

 I chose to go with steaks for my dish because I could smoke them ahead of time and usually have simple flat iron steaks on hand, but leftover Prime Rib would be killer in this dish as well.

The signature touch to this simple wrap is the Dill and Chive spread made from cream cheese, sour cream and dried dill and chives. Make it up the night before so the flavors have time to come through. Make a little or double the recipe, this is a great option for feeding a crowd before that big meal. Let everyone build their own and don't worry about washing the silverware because wraps are finger-friendly!

Dill and Chive Steak Wraps

You Will Need:
  • 4 oz. cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 c. sour cream
  • 1 Tbsp. dried chives
  • 1 1/2 tsp. dried dill
  • 10" flour tortillas
  • flat iron steaks, precooked, cooled and sliced thinly
  • Mezzetta Roasted Bell Peppers, sliced
  • Mezzetta Sliced Greek Kalamata Olives
  • feta cheese crumbles
  • Bagged Salad Mix
  • Mezzetta Imported Golden Greek Peperoncini, for serving
*The spread makes a generous 4-5 wraps, the other ingredient quantities will depend on the number of guests you are serving.

The day before, prepare the dill and chive spread. Place the softened cream cheese, sour cream and herbs in a small food processor and blend till smooth. Refrigerate overnight.

To assemble your wraps, warm the tortillas in a large skillet over medium low heat. Smear with dill and chive spread then top with your desired amount of sliced steak, feta, roasted bell peppers, olives and bagged salad mix. Don't forget to serve with a Peperoncini or two on the side! 

Okay, now you have seen what food was inspired by my childhood holiday memories. What unique holiday dish would Mezzetta foods inspire you to create?

Good news! Mezzetta is offering a downloadable $.50 off coupon on any Mezzetta products. The coupon is located on the Mezzetta page. Just look for the gift graphic in the collage to grab yours! (available  December 1st through December 31st) 

Giveaway Alert! 

Also, while you are there be sure to enter the Memories Start with Mezzetta Daily Gift Basket Giveaway! You could win some delicious prizes and be able to re-create this wrap and more! Each day one lucky winner will receive a gift basket full of tasty Mezzetta products. Get all the information and giveaway details on the Mezzetta Memories page.

Best of luck! 

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