Thursday, January 29, 2015

Easy Valentine Necklaces

This week I wanted to share our newest craft project, and my latest new favorite craft supply. It is no secret that I enjoy Mod Podge, but the Dimensional Magic is just a dream for creating fun necklaces like this. I just happened to find it while browsing Michael's recently.

I thought this would fit nicely into my little jewelry theme this month. Oh, the paper beads are coming along nicely, too. I should have my post about all the paper bead fun we had, next week.

But this week I wanted to show you how I created these necklaces with just a few simple items in about 5 minutes. It takes longer than that to dry, but they are so fast to create, you are going to love this!

I grabbed a package of blanks at the craft store. This little square happened to come in a set of 10 various shapes and ring blanks sold by Mod Podge.

I love the color of the blank so much, I didn't want to cover it up all the way. Originally I wanted to put a saying and objects onto the blank, but I found a stash of metallic heart confetti in the office and it just clicked.

Now, the Dimensional Magic Mod Podge comes in clear or glitter. I tried the glitter version, but I had a hard time getting the glitter un-stuck from the bottom of my bottle. Instead I decided to go "old school" and just bust out the glitter. This Smokey Quartz from the Martha Stewart Line really caught my eye.

So I dusted my blank with glitter and arranged a few hearts on the bottom. I wanted more depth to my piece, so I covered this layer with the Dimensional Magic.

Start squeezing on a paper towel, to get rid of any excess bubbles, then fill in the blank like a cookie with royal icing. Since I didn't want the glitter to be pushed around, I filled by going around the blank from the outside in.

Then I sprinkled a little more glitter on top of the Mod Podge and layed a few smaller hearts on the top.

I let these dry overnight, but they may need more time to dry, depending on how thick your piece is. This is the rectangular necklace I made for my daughter.

I love how easy the Mod Podge Dimensional Magic was to work with. Next I am going to be creating some fun rings for Valentine's Day gifts.

Have you tried Mod Podge Dimensional Magic? What would you create with it?


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