Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Making Small Changes to my Morning Routine for Little Victories All Day

 This Morning Routine shop with Belvita Bites and V8 Veggie Blends has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NewBreakfastRoutine #CollectiveBias

Do you have a morning routine that works in your house? I always feel like I can never wake up early enough to get it all done. From the moment my alarm goes off, it is a race to get kids out the door and on the bus, then to start my day AND to meet my fitness goals. With a Kindergarten student on a half day schedule, an elementary school student on a full day schedule and a toddler on... well, bucking any sort of schedule, seems like lunchtime can just sneak up on me before I am fully awake. 

Somewhere along the way, I often forget to eat breakfast myself... and often times I grab a poor substitute for fueling my day. Ever experience that mid-morning energy crash? It isn't pretty.

Mornings seem to set the mood for the entire day, don't they?

When I rush out late for my son's bus, or my daughter forgets her thermos and I have to make an extra trip home, it leaves me exhausted and it feels like I play catch up for the rest of the day. Starting the day right, with a good breakfast, goes a long way to keep me on my game and help me accomplish everything this busy Mom has to tackle before noon. 

Breakfast for me is rarely a "sit down" affair. In fact, I recently started grabbing a bag of BelVita Bites Mini Breakfast Biscuits and pouring myself a glass of V8 Veggie Blends. It is an easy way to make sure that I can eat quickly and while on the go.

Since this year I am already working hard to accomplish my fitness goals of losing weight and building strength and endurance, making sure my morning is off to a good start means I have more time to exercise AND fit everything else into my busy schedule.

When everything runs smoothly, I push myself farther. I know my 2015 goals are within my reach as long as I make smart choices.

I recently splurged on a yoga mat upgrade, a few smaller weights, a new balance ball and a new exercise routine, PiYo. It doesn't require any special equipment and will help me on my goal to becoming stronger and more comfortable in my own skin.

At the age of 36, it isn't just about losing weight anymore. I want to feel strong and healthy. This Mom of 3 is ready to roar! 

All that hard work and sweat requires energy so I can get through a strength routine.

I have to say the Chocolate BelVita Bites Mini Breakfast Biscuits are both filling and yummy! It is fun to have a sweet way to start my day. Each serving provides me four hours of nutritious steady energy, and is a good source of fiber. 

And the V8 Veggie Blends are delicious! They contain contain 75% juice, 1 full serving of vegetables per 8oz serving, and are also a great source of antioxidant vitamins A, C, & E. It is a great way to make my morning beverage count towards my overall eating goals. 

I grabbed my supplies while shopping at Target. Right now there is an "In With The New" section packed with great deals and ideas for getting your morning routine and 2015 goals off on the right foot, too. 

Check out the Cartwheel savings now for 20% off BelVita Bites Breakfast Biscuits and 25% off NEW V8 Veggie Blends. Also grab the deal for V8 Veggie Blends that starts 1/25 and another that starts 2/23.

Well fueled, I am ready to achieve all those small morning victories, getting down to the bus with time to spare, getting my daily chores started (and even finished!), and fitting in time to exercise. All of these things not only benefit my busy family, but let me enjoy the rest of my day.

My life may be crazy, but I want to make every minute count! 

Do you have a morning routine? 

Could BelVita Bites – Mini Breakfast Biscuits and V8 Veggie Blends help you achieve more of your goals? 


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