Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bacon and Worcestershire Stuffed Sweet Potatoes - March Secret Recipe Club #Recipe

My family loves sweet potatoes. Usually my kids line up for brown sugar, butter or cinnamon to top their favorite, but this time around I wanted to go for something a bit more savory.

Actually, we just returned from a family vacation and it was a blast. The grill at the resort was amazing and I had a shrimp and lobster linguine that was amazing, also a charred chicken with sauteed spinach. But after all the rich foods and fun, I was looking for something simple, fresh and light.

These Bacon and Worcestershire Stuffed Sweet Potatoes from Helen at Casa Costello seemed like the perfect light dinner idea.

Yes, it is March and time for The Secret Recipe Club recipe selection for the month. This is a delicious and simple dish sure to excite your taste buds and "wow" your family.

I was assigned to Helen's blog and loved browsing through all the great recipes. Helen also has three children and blogs from the UK. She shares her love of food, as well as cake decorating on her blog. Though I found several recipes I wanted to try, the stuffed sweet potatoes caught my eye because my family already loves them, I haven't made a savory style sweet potato before and well, I happened to also have the same brand of Worcestershire Sauce in my pantry.

It seemed like fate.

So grab some sweet potatoes, onion, bacon, oil, salt and Worcestershire Sauce, and let's start stuffing.

Now, I love baking potatoes in the oven. After many attempts at finding the perfect way to bake our potatoes, I am a fan of rubbing them in oil, poking them with holes and then sprinkling them with coarse kosher salt. Bake them for about an hour at 330 degrees till fork tender.

I was able to find these cute little sweet potatoes, much more manageable than the usual huge tubers I usually buy. Aren't they perfect?

While the sweet potatoes were baking, I worked on the filling. Diced onion and chopped bacon went into the cast iron skillet to saute. Once cooked through, I added the dry thyme and Worcestershire Sauce.

Once soft, I scooped out the inside of the sweet potatoes and placed the filling in a bowl with the cooked sweet potato.

Give it a good mash and mix.

Then stuff it all back inside the hollowed out sweet potato skins. Easy right?

Then pop the stuffed sweet potatoes back into the oven for a few minutes to warm them through. Serve with a salad or as a side. Either way, they are delicious!

Bacon and Worcestershire Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
adapted from Casa Costello

You Will Need:

  • 8 small sweet potatoes
  • olive oil
  • kosher salt
  • 1/2 of a large yellow onion, diced
  •  4 slices of bacon, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp. butter
  • 1 tsp. dried thyme
  • 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 330 degrees. 

Wash the sweet potatoes, cover each in olive oil, poke holes in it, sprinkle with kosher salt and place on a baking tray. Bake for about an hour, or until the potato is fork tender.

While the potatoes are baking, saute the onion till translucent, add the bacon to crisp up, then add the thyme and Worcestershire Sauce. Warm through.

Scoop out the centers of the sweet potatoes. Place the potato filling and sauteed mixture in a bowl and mix well. Season to taste. Spoon the mixed filling back into the potato shells and place back in the oven at 350 degrees to warm through.

Serve while warm.


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