Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Declaring War on Messy Faces and Sticky Hands with PURELL®

This #PurellWipes shop has been compensated by #CollectiveBias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. 

See this sweet little face?

You would be surprised how many sticky dirty messes he can find. Elliott is my third child, my baby, but somehow they all keep me on my toes.You would think after almost 8 years of parenthood, I would be a seasoned pro. But, no, I am still learning, always having to improvise my reactions and anticipate where the next mess will be coming from.

I know, my kids see the fun, new things to explore, touch or smell around them, but this Mom sees all the germs that collect on these sweet little faces and hands throughout the day.

Case in point, while out bowling with friends, it was my oldest who discovered a gold mine of dried gum on the underside of the bowling alley tables.

Wow. Aren't I lucky?

Now, since I also know how often he touches his face, mouth and eyes, we made a quick trip to the restroom to wash up.

But, sometimes messes aren't that easy to take care of. Sometimes hand washing isn't possible.

This past weekend was the perfect example of that. Saturday was busy. I had the two oldest kids up and out the door for Pinewood Derby raises with Cub Scouts. It was just me and the baby at home. I was supposed to clean up from breakfast and get us all packed to leave by lunch for an out of town birthday party. It was a tight schedule, but manageable.  When it was almost time to hit the road, I noticed my youngest had decided to play in the entry way... with my husband's muddy boots!

Don't kids have the best timing?

This time of year in Oregon is very wet and muddy. My husband is a farmer, so his boots were filthy. No time to put my toddler  in a bath and grateful that his clothes were unscathed, I did the next best thing.

As Moms we all find short-cuts, time-savers or handy products to get us through raising kids. Keeping my kids clean means having the right products at the right time. PURELL® Hand Sanitizing Wipes are perfect for those moments when I want to both clean and sanitize their hands. It is quickly becoming indispensable in my family of 5. 

With no harsh chemicals, these wipes are safe to use on hands and faces. They are also great since my kids often rush through hand washing and dislike warm water.

A quick clean-up and we were ready to get into the car and head off to the birthday party. Along the way we grabbed a quick lunch in the car and out came the wipes again for all the kids' sticky fingers.

The PURELL® Hand Sanitizing Wipes traveled with us to the trampoline center. It was a packed rainy Saturday and I think the whole city was out to try the new place. So many surfaces, so many little hands, and there were plenty of runny noses in the building. I am sure there was a fair amount of germs being spread. Check out a highlight of our good clean fun below.

After all that healthy fun, we headed into the party room for pizza and cake. I put out the PURELL® Hand Sanitizing Wipes and they were perfect for sweaty hands, greasy fingers and frosting mustaches. 

Spring is a great time to work on encouraging healthy habits in kids and the importance of wiping out germs.

Now, I am not always around to remind my kids to wash their hands, but I am trying to instill other healthy habits in them. I created this simple FREE Printable this weekend to hang in our upstairs bathroom. My oldest children are both reading now, so a simple reminder might help.

I know. Fun and messes are important parts of childhood. I am just glad that clean up is now even easier, whether I am at home or on the go.

You can find the PURELL® Hand Sanitizing Wipes at most Walmart stores in the household cleaning aisle with other "Quick Cleaners". Starting 3/17, save $1.00 on any PURELL® Wipes canister or Save $1.00 on any two PURELL® Products. Grab your Walmart coupon to save.

Getting set for Spring cleaning? Why not take the PURELL® 30 Day Challenge? I am always looking for ways to stay cleaner and healthier. Also, learn more about the PURELL® Loyalty Program, where you can earn points towards a variety of prizes!  I have definitely declared war on messy faces and sticky hands with the help of PURELL®.

Okay, I shared my "gum under the table" shame, what germy messes did your kids get into?

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