Saturday, March 28, 2015

Family Movie Night - Grab Your Copy of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb

I received a complimentary movie copy and goodies to start off our family movie night as a Vocalpoint member. All opinions and experiences are my own. #VPMovieNight

We love a good family movie night, and this month we popped our popcorn for the final installment of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb now available on Blu-Ray, DVD and Digital HD.

I can't believe the first movie came out when I was pregnant with my oldest. In fact, Night at the Museum was one of the last movies I went to the theater to see with my husband before our first baby was born. It left quite an impression on us. It was funny, magical and had an all-star cast of historical and Hollywood names.

The third movie in the series did not disappoint..

We showed the kids the first movie, so they were familiar with all the characters, well except Lancelot (played by Dan Stevens) and British Museum night guard Tilly (played by Rebel Wilson) who joined in the fun for Secret of the Tomb.

To get ready for the fun, we spent a warm Spring break afternoon showing Flat Dexter around the farm. Do you remember this mischievous monkey from the movies? He is a big favorite with all my kids, especially the toddler.

Flat Dexter popped up in our cherry orchard, then started sneaking around the tall grass around our house.

Yes, my kids had a blast seeing what kind of trouble they could get their Flat Dexter into.

He even made an appearance during our movie night. My daughter was so into the movie, it was a while before she noticed her brother had "Flat Dexter'd" her.

We also downloaded a few fun movie activities like these dress-up printables the kids could color and then wear to become Sacajawea, Jedidiah and Teddy.

But of course the main attraction was the movie. Well, my youngest was really into stealing his brother and sister's popcorn, but the older kids fell in love with Night at the Museum: Secrets of the Tomb. My kids enjoyed the suspense, jokes and learning a little about history through the movie.

I thought it was a great movie for my whole family to watch and enjoy together.

Grab a $8 off coupon for your own copy of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb, and download your own fun printables on the Vocalpoint site. 

I also have one digital download to give away here to one lucky reader! The winner will be able to download this movie through the usual download channels (Google Play, iTunes, or Playstation.

Enter below, and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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