Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes - #BundtBakers

Just this past week I bought a box of Girl Scout cookies in front of the grocery store. All dressed up and smiling, this little girl asked me if I would like to buy a box of cookies. My son is in Cub Scouts and I can tell you their candy bars are a lot harder to sell than the famous Girl Scout Cookies.

That right there is hard. Do I need the cookies? No. I don't need them.

Do I want the cookies? ... well, maybe.

The sale is made though with that sweet smile and eager face. How can you say no to a Girl Scout?

Yes, I went home with a box of cookies, Thin Mints for my husband. But my favorite Girl Scout Cookie of all time are the Samoas.


#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme.  Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on the BundtBakers home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to

This month's host was Kelly from Passion Kneaded big thank you to her for coordinating all of us.  She challenged us to use mint in any shape, way or form to create something magical this month. I went with these Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes this month and I wasn't disappointed.

For this challenge I wanted to make mini bundts. I mean, samoas are so sweet and decadent, who would want to share? I love mini bundts because mini desserts just seem like more fun.

For the cake I chose a simple vanilla bean cake. I wanted it to be moist, but simple. It needed to compliment the stronger flavors of Dulce de Leche and toasted caramel on top.

The Dulce de leche I found at Trader Joes, but I have been seeing it pop up in more of my grocery stores lately. Good stuff. My husband would say it only needs a spoon, but I think it is perfect for recreating samoas instead of using regular baking caramels.

But try it for yourself, and tell me what you think. The recipe is listed below.

Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes

You Will Need:

  • 3 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 c. + 2Tbsp. unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 c. sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. vanilla bean paste (or 2 vanilla beans, scraped)
  • 4 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 1/4 tsp. lemon extract
  • 1 c. buttermilk, at room temperature
  • Dulce de leche sauce
  • 2 c. toasted caramel
  • candy quick, melted for drizzling
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Generously grease the mini bundt pan.

Start by sifting the dry ingredients together into a medium bowl. In a stand mixer, cream together the butter and sugar. Then add the vanilla bean paste, and eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl between each egg. Mix in the lemon extract. Then alternating between dry and wet, add the buttermilk and dry mixture to the bowl. Mix till just combined.

Spoon the batter into the mini bundt pan and bake for 20 - 25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. 

Allow the cakes to cool, then decorate them. In a small saucepan fill halfway with water, place the opened jar of Dulce de leche in the pan and bring up to a simmer. Turn off the heat. Spoon the Dulce de leche onto the top of each mini bundt. Cover with toasted coconut, then drizzle with melted candy quick.


Looking for more bundt-spiration? Check out all the other #BundtBakers participating in this month's Girl Scout Cookie Challenge:

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