Thursday, May 7, 2015

Sweet Rose Glitter Soap

Mother's Day is coming up this weekend and I wanted to share a fun and easy gift idea. Whether you are creating your Mom a Mother's Day gift basket, or are looking for something your kids can help make, this Rose Shea Butter Soap is a very easy and fun project to create.

I already have my daughter hooked on helping me make soap. This time around we decided to make a decorative rose soap, with rose scent, pink soap coloring and a little glitter.

Yes, she was most excited about the glitter.

If you are new to soap making, you can find all the necessary supplies at your local Michael's or on Amazon. Here is what I used:

Rose Glitter Soap

You Will Need:

  • Shea Butter Soap Base
  • Soap Colorants - Pink
  • Soap Fragrance - Rose
  • Iridescent Glitter
  • Rose Soap Molds
For my soap mold I used 10 - 1 gram cubes, separated and placed in a microwave safe dish. I microwaved the base on high for 30 seconds, then 15 second intervals until melted. Stir in between each heating.

After the base is melted, add color drops and fragrance. Add a few drops of pink and stir, repeat until you reach the desired shade. I used 7 drops of rose fragrance for my whole batch. 

Before pouring into the molds, I dusted the bottom of the mold with glitter and added another tablespoon to the soap mixture itself. Pour into the mold and cool and set for about an hour.

To remove, invert and gently apply pressure to the mold. 

Store in a cool, dry place and enjoy! 

Wouldn't this make a great Mother's Day gift? Add a bouquet and you are set to earn major brownie points this coming weekend.


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