Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wishful Thinking by Kamy Wiscoff - #SRC2015

I received a complimentary book to help me write an honest review. I am participating in this year's BookSparks Summer Reading Challenge for the fun of it, reviews contain my own affiliate links for the books being read and discussed. #SRC2015

So excited for the 2nd week of the  BookSparks Summer Reading Challenge. This past week I read Wishful Thinking by Kamy Wiscoff. It was the perfect book to devour over the long holiday weekend.

This year's books have been arriving all wrapped and ready to be enjoyed. Isn't this cute? You can follow along with the fun on Instagram and Twitter by following #SRC2015. I just had to share because this makes it so fun. Don't forget you can follow along and join in on the fun on BookSparks Facebook page or follow along with their FB Event Page.

Jennifer Sharpe is a divorced mother of two with a problem just about any working parent can relate to: her boss expects her to work as though she doesn't have children, and her children want her to care for them as though she doesn't have a boss. But when, through a fateful coincidence, a brilliant physicist comes into possession of Jennifer’s phone and decides to play fairy godmother, installing a miraculous time-travel app called Wishful Thinking, Jennifer suddenly finds herself in possession of what seems like the answer to the impossible dream of having it all: an app that lets her be in more than one place at the same time. With the app, Jennifer goes quickly from zero to hero in every part of her life: she is super-worker, the last to leave her office every night; she is super-mom, the first to arrive at pickup every afternoon; and she even becomes super-girlfriend, dating a musician who thinks she has unlimited childcare and a flexible job. But Jennifer soon finds herself facing questions that adding more hours to her day can’t answer. Why does she feel busier and more harried than ever? Is she aging faster than everyone around her? How can she be a good worker, mother, and partner when she can’t be honest with anybody in her life? And most important, when choosing to be with your children, at work, or with your partner doesn't involve sacrifice, do those choices lose their meaning? Wishful Thinking is a modern-day fairy tale in which one woman learns to overcome the challenges—and appreciate the joys—of living life in real time.

My Review

I think every busy Mom, working Mom, stressed Mom has had moments when they fantasize about being able to do it all or having endless hours in the day. Kamy Wicoff''s novel, Wishful Thinking, is a humorous but thought provoking look at the great "what if". In our daily lives we joke about having an app for everything, but what if there really was?

I loved the chance to see how "having it all" in our current society might play out. The author did a great job of exploring the topic while also showing how we make choices that shape our lives. The stress of parenthood, the time required to be on committees as well as the pressure we place on ourselves to be superhuman....are all things Jennifer faces and things that I could identify with.

Great writing, great characters and a fascinating exploration of a dream I think we have all had at some point.

So what do you think? I hope you will add Wishful Thinking to your Summer reading list. Now, stay tuned, next week I will be giving your my review of The Balance Project by Susie Orman Schnall.

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