Babies. Is there anything more fun to shop for than a new arrival? I created this "Minnie-rific" Baby Shower Gift Basket complete with a DIY Minnie Basket with an expectant friend in mind. Her family will be welcoming their third child this Summer.
When I was pregnant for the first time we met several friends all due in the same 2-week span. We had get-togethers while still very pregnant, and then after our children were born we continued to have "baby parties" where we could share our best "First-time parent" moments and stories. You know, all the shocking things that come with a newborn in the family. We laughed and bonded over diaper blow-outs and sleepless nights.
And then our kids started to grow up. We no longer have our monthly "baby parties", but we still all enjoy getting together and watching our almost 8-year-old children play together.
Transitioning from one child to two was hard, but I think adding a third, especially with older siblings, is a lot of fun. I can't wait to meet our friends' new baby. Their other girls are delightful and I know this child will bring their family so much joy.
Now the joke has been that with two girls already, they will probably have a third. They don't want to know until the baby is born, but I just couldn't help myself from starting to work on their Baby Shower gift. Now that I am done having my own babies, I enjoy an excuse to shop for baby items for friends or family.
While shopping at Walmart, I was inspired to create a Minnie Mouse themed Gift Basket after looking at all the adorable Disney Baby Products in the baby section. Aren't they adorable?
When making the perfect gift basket, for a baby shower, or other event, it is important to find the perfect basket or container. In this case, the flannel blankets I purchased from Walmart inspired me to create my own easy and customized container to hold all the bed and bath time products.
DIY Minnie-Inspired Basket
You will Need:
- 1 large diaper box
- box cutters
- sisal rope to wrap around the bottom 2/3 of the box
- fabric scissors
- Disney Baby pink polka dot flannel blanket
- hot glue
Start by cutting the flaps off your box.
Start at the bottom of the box, at one corner. Hot glue the rope around the sides of the box. Keep gluing the rope down as you wrap it around the box, Take care to push the rope tightly together and continue till you are about halfway up the box.
Cut the flannel sheet in half lengthwise, and then in half again to have 4 long strips. Glue the finished edge inside the box, since this side will show. Glue 2 strips down on the longest sides of the box. Then cut one of the strips in half and cover the ends as needed.
Don't worry. I continued to glue my rope around the box and cover the bottom edge of the fabric, so any rough edges were not visible in the finished box.
Keep gluing and wrapping until the edges of the fabric are covered.
That left me with one strip of hot pink fabric left. I cut a 2" strip and glued the edges over. This will be the center of my bow.
Then I folded and glued the edges of my long strip. Fold in the center and add a dot of hot glue. Then wrap the thinner piece around the middle and glue the edge down in back to secure it. This is the knot in the center of the bow. Trim off any excess.
Then I took my bow and hot glued it to the front of the box for decoration. What do you think? Isn't this DIY basket cute?
Since I was thinking bath and bedtime, I also included some baby wash and 2 pink towels. I created mouse ears out of the washcloths by folding the towels and securing them with clear rubber bands and white ribbon.
And, what all did I include in my Baby Shower Gift Basket?
- Disney Baby Bedding Sweet Minnie Mouse Flannel Blanket, 4-Pack
- Disney Baby Bedding Minnie Mouse Blanket with Beanie
- Disney Baby Minnie Mouse Nail Care Set
- 2 pink washcloths
- baby shampoo/body wash
- Disney Baby Bedding Sweet Minnie Mouse Set of 2 Crib Sheets
- Disney Baby Bedding Minnie Mouse Pillow Buddie
I hope you enjoyed my gift basket. I can't wait to meet this new little baby now. What would you put in the perfect Disney Baby gift basket for a baby in your life?

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