Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Digging into a Satisfying New Yogurt - #LandofPlenti

My days are packed with to-do lists, wish lists, obligations, routines and requests from my family. From the moment my eyes open in the morning, with a little help from a vocal 2-year-old, till that blissful moment my head hits the pillow and I melt into bed, there is plenty to keep me busy.

One of the hardest things for me is to remember to eat and stay fueled throughout the day. Grabbing breakfast and even lunch can be a challenge some days. Working from home adds a new dimension of difficulty to my situation.  I often don the hat of a short-order cook to keep my picky eaters happy, then there is naptime to manage, the meal's dishes to tackle, etc.

But now I have a new option for grabbing a quick meal or snack...

I picked up these new Yoplait Plenti at my local Fred Meyer (Kroger store). I love Greek yogurt, and I really enjoy mixing in fruit and other items like nuts and grains. This yogurt comes with whole grain oats, flax and pumpkin seeds. Yes, it is the yogurt that just comes with more! 

So I can save precious time hunting around the pantry for add-ins, I can grab a cup of Plenti for everything I need to enjoy a fulfilling snack or quick meal.

Plenti is the same amazingly smooth yogurt you would expect from Yoplait, But, in this case, more is more... you get MORE in each bite, MORE flavor, and MORE texture. And yes, it has taken just one container of yogurt to leave me feeling satisfied because it contains more than your average container of Greek yogurt.

Now, I love the Black Cherry, Blueberry was nice, too. But, you can find a variety of Plenti flavors at your local Kroger store:

• Plentí – Black Cherry
• Plentí – Blueberry
• Plentí – Coconut
• Plentí – Peach
• Plentí – Raspberry
• Plentí – Spiced Apple
• Plentí – Strawberry
• Plentí – Vanilla

So for a busy Mom with plenty on her plate already, Plenti from Yoplait is how I tackle those busy days. All I need to add is the spoon.

Look for all the great flavors at your local Kroger store and be sure to learn more about how Plenti is packed full of goodness on the Plenti Greek yogurt website.

Which flavor would you like to dig into first?


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