Saturday, June 13, 2015

Ready for your #UltraHug selfie with Huggies?

Today my little guy is turning 2!

Besides the presents, cake and snuggles, there will be a lot of photo taking today. Of course, I had to grab a quick selfie with him, because Huggies is still going strong with their #UltraHug Contest!

I posted about the Huggies #UltraHug Contest last month and I wanted to make sure you knew there was still time to nominate your favorite community project, for a chance they could win a $2K grant from Huggies.

We buy the Huggies new Snug & Dry Ultra Diaper at Walmart to keep our little guy dry and comfortable all day and night. So I love hearing that a brand I use is also looking to give back to a deserving community project. 

There is still time to enter! But, don't wait too long... On July 6th, voting will begin to narrow down the 20 finalists to 10 winners who will win a $2,000 grant from Huggies for their nominated community initiative.

Want to nominate your deserving community group? It's easy!

From now until June 25th, Huggies will be accepting all your #UltraHug selfies via Twitter or Instagram. 

Click HERE for more information and enjoy taking a selfie with your baby for a good cause.

Also, when you visit the Huggies and Walmart #UltraHug Campaign page, you will see a fun collage of all the #UltraHug selfie nominations. Do you see anyone else you know on the page? Be sure to take a look.


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